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Tkisem is "an instructional emulator for version 8 of the SPARC instruction set with a GUI based on Tcl/Tk." It seems to be mostly complete, but not quite as robust as QEMU. However, it may be a better starting point for learning Sparc Assembly language. It does have a non-standard MMU implementation.

Running Tkisem[edit | edit source]

To run the simulator, you need to have TCL 8.0 and TK installed. If you see missing library problems on Linux, just create a symlink from the the current version to the version Tkisem is looking for.

Windows and Linux both support tkisem; Linux additionally provides gxisem, which has a X11 interface.

Installation[edit | edit source]

There are installation instructions and lab manuals along with binaries in the distribution.

Tips[edit | edit source]

If you install TKisem on Windows, you may have trouble running as and ld. If you get a stack fault, try running the commands as-isem and ld-isem instead of isem-as and isem-ld. Also don't forget to add the programs to your PATH.

Web Links[edit | edit source]