Pancakes:IPC EntryBased

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IPC Shared Memory Entry Based Ring Buffer

This is a lock-free implementation of an entry based ring buffer. It supports message sizes up to 16KB using a 16-bit header, but you can easily change it to support a 24-bit or 32-bit header. Only one reader and one writer are supported.

I have tested this code fairly well, and there appears to be no bugs. To get a major increase in speed you can return a pointer to the inside of the buffer for reads but that is not secure unless you trust the writer.

This is designed to be used for inter-process communication as if you have threads sharing the same address space you might find a faster method would be to have a ring buffer of static pointers and use those to point to memory and use flags to determine if the memory should be freed after the reader uses it because this would eliminate the need for the writer to copy data into the buffer.

Example Usage

RBM      rbm;
char     buf[128];
uintptr  sz; = 2048 - sizeof(RB);
rbm.rb = (RB*)malloc(2048);

rb_write_nbio(&rbm, &buf[0], 128);
sz = 128;
rb_read_nbio(&rbm, &buf[0], &sz, 0);

The code above will write to the ring buffer, and then read from it. You can have two separate threads with one reading and one writing. For bi-directional communication just use two different buffers.


#ifdef B64
typedef unsigned long long  uintptr;
typedef unsigned int		uintptr;
typedef unsigned long long  uint64;
typedef unsigned int		uint32;
typedef unsigned char		uint8;
typedef unsigned short		uint16;
typedef int					int32;

struct _RBE {
	int32			w;
	int32			r;
	uint8			d[];
typedef struct _RBE RB;

struct _RBME {
	RB				*rb;
	int32			sz;
typedef struct _RBME RBM;

int rb_write_nbio(RBM *rbm, void *p, uint32 sz) {
	RB volatile		*rb;
	int32			r;
	int32			w;
	uint32			*h;
	int32			x, y;
	int32			asz;
	int32			max;
	rb = (RB volatile*)rbm->rb;
	sz = sz & 0xffff;
	r = rb->r;
	w = rb->w;
	if (r > rbm->sz) {
		return 0;
	if (w > rbm->sz) {
		return 0;

	/* calculate total size including 16-bit length header */
	asz = sz + 2 + 2;
	/* not enough space */
	if ((w < r) && (w + asz) >= r) {
		return 0;
	/* not enough space */
	if ((w >= r) && ((rbm->sz - w) + r) < asz) {
		return 0;
	/* write length */
	rb->d[w++] = sz >> 8;
	if (w >= rbm->sz) {
		w = 0;
	rb->d[w++] = sz & 0xff;
	if (w >= rbm->sz){
		w = 0;
	/* split write */
	max = rbm->sz - w;
	if (w >= r && max < sz) {
		/* copy first part */
		for (x = 0; x < max; ++x) {
			rb->d[w + x] = ((uint8*)p)[x];
		/* copy last part */
		for (y = 0; x < sz; ++x, ++y) {
			rb->d[y] = ((uint8*)p)[x];
		rb->w = (w + sz) - rbm->sz;
		return 1;
	/* straight write */
	for (x = 0; x < sz; ++x) {
		rb->d[w + x] = ((uint8*)p)[x];
		split read wont leave 'w' == rbm->sz but this will so we have
		to check for it and correct it else it messed up the reader 
		getting them off-track and essentially making communications
		hard to reliably recover if not impossible
	if (w + sz == rbm->sz) {
		rb->w = 0;
	} else {
		rb->w = w + sz;
	return 1;

int rb_read_nbio(RBM *rbm, void *p, uint32 *sz, uint32 *advance) {
	RB volatile		*rb;
	int32			r;
	int32			w;
	int32			h;
	int32  			x, y;
	uint8			*_p;
	int32			max;
	_p = (uint8*)p;
	rb = (RB volatile*)rbm->rb;
	r = rb->r;
	w = rb->w;
	if (advance) {
		r = *advance;
	} else {
		if (r > rbm->sz) {
			/* bad header */
			return 0;
	if (w > rbm->sz) {
		/* bad header */
		return 0;
	if (w == r) {
		return 0;
	/* read size (tricky) */
	h = rb->d[r++] << 8;
	if (r == w) {
		return 0;
	if (r >= rbm->sz) {
		r = 0;
	h |= rb->d[r++];
	if (r == w) {
		return 0;
	if (r >= rbm->sz) {
		r = 0;
	if (h > (rbm->sz - r) + r) {
		return -1;
	if (h > *sz) {
		return -1;
	*sz = h;

	/* split read */
	if (r + h >= rbm->sz) {
		max = rbm->sz - r;
		for (x = 0; x < max; ++x) {
			*(_p++) = rb->d[r + x];
		max = h - (rbm->sz - r);
		for (x = 0; x < max; ++x) {
			*(_p++) = rb->d[x];
		if (advance) {
			*advance = (r + h) - rbm->sz;
		} else {
			rb->r = (r + h) - rbm->sz;
		return 1;
	/* straight read */
	for (x = 0; x < h; ++x) {
		*(_p++) = rb->d[r + x];
	if (advance) {
		*advance = r + h;
	} else {
		rb->r = r + h;
	return 1;