
MIPS Overview

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The MIPS CPU architecture is used in computer architectures like SGI O2 and Octane systems, Nintendo N64 as well as the Sony Playstation, Playstation 2 and Playstation Portable.

General Registers[edit | edit source]

Name Number Function Callee must preserve?
$zero $0 constant 0 n/a
$at $1 assembler temporary no
$v0–$v1 $2–$3 values for function returns and expression evaluation no
$a0–$a3 $4–$7 function arguments no
$t0–$t7 $8–$15 temporaries no
$s0–$s7 $16–$23 saved temporaries yes
$t8–$t9 $24–$25 temporaries no
$k0–$k1 $26–$27 reserved for OS kernel no
$gp $28 global pointer yes
$sp $29 stack pointer yes
$fp/$s8 $30 frame pointer yes
$ra $31 return address n/a

Note: All except registers on the MIPS except $zero, HI and LO are general registers; the listed usage is per convention and not enforced by the processor or the assembler. The register name $s8 is a synonym for $fp used in some assemblers, in systems where the frame pointer is not regularly used.

Arithmetic Registers[edit | edit source]

Register Multiplication Division
HI Multiplicand Upper word Quotient
LOW Multiplicand Lower word Remainder

Coprocessor 0 Registers[edit | edit source]

Name Number Function Callee must preserve?
c0_index cop0 $0 TLB entry index register n/a
c0_random cop0 $1 TLB randomized access register n/a
c0_entrylo cop0 $2 Low-order word of "current" TLB entry n/a
c0_context cop0 $4 Page-table lookup address n/a
c0_vaddr cop0 $8 Virtual address associated with certain exceptions n/a
c0_entryhi cop0 $10 High-order word of "current" TLB entry n/a
c0_status cop0 $12 Processor status register n/a
c0_cause cop0 $13 Exception cause register n/a
c0_epc cop0 $14 PC at which exception occurred n/a

Instruction fields[edit | edit source]

Field Size Position Op Types Description
op 6 26-31 R, I, J opcode for the instruction or group of instructions.
rs 5 21-25 R, I Source register for store operations, destination for all other operations.
rt 5 16-20 R, I First operand register.
rd 5 11-15 R Second operand register.
shift 5 6-10 R Immediate operand for shift and rotate instructions.
func 6 0-5 R Extended opcode.
imm 16 0-15 I Half-word immediate operand.
address 0-25 J 26-bit address field for unconditional jump operations.

Addressing modes[edit | edit source]

Type Assembly Format Opcode format Comments
Register inst rs, rd, rt op rs, rd, rt, shift, func The opcode represents a group of operations rather than a specific instruction; the func field contains the actual operation. The shift field is only used in shift and rotate operations.
Immediate (I-type) inst rs, rt, imm opcode rs, rt, imm Immediate operation use a 16-bit immediate value from the instruction word itself.
Load (I-type) inst rs, imm(rt) op rs, rt, imm Load/Store operations are a special case of immediate, where the offset is the immediate operand.
Store (I-type) inst rs, offset(rt) op rs, rt, imm Unlike in most other operations, the rs register is the data source.
Cond. Branch(I-type) inst rs, rt, label op rs, rt, imm Conditional branches have a 16-bit relative range.
Jump {J-type) inst label op address the J and JAL operations have a 26-bit relative range.

Note: The assembly formats given are those from the official MIPS Technologies documentation. Other assemblers (e.g., gas) may use different formats.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Articles[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]