CPU Registers x86-64
General Purpose Registers[edit | edit source]
Monikers | Description | ||||
64-bit | 32-bit | 16-bit | 8 high bits of lower 16 bits | 8-bit | |
RAX | EAX | AX | AH | AL | Accumulator |
RBX | EBX | BX | BH | BL | Base |
RCX | ECX | CX | CH | CL | Counter |
RDX | EDX | DX | DH | DL | Data (commonly extends the A register) |
RSI | ESI | SI | N/A | SIL | Source index for string operations |
RDI | EDI | DI | N/A | DIL | Destination index for string operations |
RSP | ESP | SP | N/A | SPL | Stack Pointer |
RBP | EBP | BP | N/A | BPL | Base Pointer (meant for stack frames) |
R8 | R8D | R8W | N/A | R8B | General purpose |
R9 | R9D | R9W | N/A | R9B | General purpose |
R10 | R10D | R10W | N/A | R10B | General purpose |
R11 | R11D | R11W | N/A | R11B | General purpose |
R12 | R12D | R12W | N/A | R12B | General purpose |
R13 | R13D | R13W | N/A | R13B | General purpose |
R14 | R14D | R14W | N/A | R14B | General purpose |
R15 | R15D | R15W | N/A | R15B | General purpose |
Note: you cannot access AH, BH, CH and DH when using the REX.W instruction prefix. This prefix is added (automatically by assemblers) when an operand contains a 64-bit register.
Pointer Registers[edit | edit source]
Monikers | Description | ||
64-bit | 32-bit | 16-bit | |
RIP | EIP | IP | Instruction Pointer |
Note: The instruction pointer can only be used in RIP-relative addressing, which was introduced with long mode.
Segment Registers[edit | edit source]
All of these are 16 bits long.
Moniker | Description |
CS | Code Segment |
DS | Data Segment |
SS | Stack Segment |
ES | Extra Segment (used for string operations) |
FS | General-purpose Segment |
GS | General-purpose Segment |
In long mode, segments CS, DS, ES, and SS are treated as if their base were 0 no matter what the segment descriptors in the GDT say. However, segments FS and GS have MSRs (see SWAPGS) to change their base.
Limit checks are disabled for all segments.
RFLAGS Register[edit | edit source]
63 | ... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 |
... | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ||||||||
0 | ID | VIP | VIF | AC | VM | RF | 0 | NT | IOPL | OF | DF | IF | TF | SF | ZF | 0 | AF | 0 | PF | 1 | CF |
Bit(s) | Label | Description |
0 | CF | Carry Flag |
1 | 1 | Reserved |
2 | PF | Parity Flag |
3 | 0 | Reserved |
4 | AF | Auxiliary Carry Flag |
5 | 0 | Reserved |
6 | ZF | Zero Flag |
7 | SF | Sign Flag |
8 | TF | Trap Flag |
9 | IF | Interrupt Enable Flag |
10 | DF | Direction Flag |
11 | OF | Overflow Flag |
12-13 | IOPL | I/O Privilege Level |
14 | NT | Nested Task |
15 | 0 | Reserved |
16 | RF | Resume Flag |
17 | VM | Virtual-8086 Mode |
18 | AC | Alignment Check / Access Control |
19 | VIF | Virtual Interrupt Flag |
20 | VIP | Virtual Interrupt Pending |
21 | ID | ID Flag |
22-63 | 0 | Reserved |
Control Registers[edit | edit source]
CR0[edit | edit source]
Bit(s) | Label | Description |
0 | PE | Protected Mode Enable |
1 | MP | Monitor Co-Processor |
2 | EM | Emulation |
3 | TS | Task Switched |
4 | ET | Extension Type |
5 | NE | Numeric Error |
6-15 | 0 | Reserved |
16 | WP | Write Protect |
17 | 0 | Reserved |
18 | AM | Alignment Mask |
19-28 | 0 | Reserved |
29 | NW | Not-Write Through |
30 | CD | Cache Disable |
31 | PG | Paging |
32-63 | 0 | Reserved |
NOTE that this register is the only control register that can be written and read via 2 ways unlike the other that can be accessed only via the MOV instruction
;way 1:
mov cr0,reg32(64)
mov reg32(64),cr0
;way 2:
lmsw reg16(32/64) ; the 'w' in lms(w) stands for word size (16 bit) but the instruction itself can modify the upper 48 bit of cr0 using instruction overrides.
smsw reg16(32/64) ; SAME as above
CR2[edit | edit source]
This control register contains the linear (virtual) address which triggered a page fault, available in the page fault's interrupt handler.
CR3[edit | edit source]
Bit(s) | Label | Description | Condition | |
0-11 | 0-2 | 0 | Reserved | CR4.PCIDE = 0 |
3 | PWT | Page-Level Write Through | ||
5 | PCD | Page-Level Cache Disable | ||
5-11 | 0 | Reserved | ||
0-11 | PCID | CR4.PCIDE = 1 | ||
12-63 | Physical Base Address of the PML4 |
Note that this must be page aligned
CR4[edit | edit source]
Bit(s) | Label | Description |
0 | VME | Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions |
1 | PVI | Protected Mode Virtual Interrupts |
2 | TSD | Time Stamp enabled only in ring 0 |
3 | DE | Debugging Extensions |
4 | PSE | Page Size Extension |
5 | PAE | Physical Address Extension |
6 | MCE | Machine Check Exception |
7 | PGE | Page Global Enable |
8 | PCE | Performance Monitoring Counter Enable |
9 | OSFXSR | OS support for fxsave and fxrstor instructions |
10 | OSXMMEXCPT | OS Support for unmasked simd floating point exceptions |
11 | UMIP | User-Mode Instruction Prevention (SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, SMSW, and STR are disabled in user mode) |
12 | LA57 | 5 level paging |
13 | VMXE | Virtual Machine Extensions Enable |
14 | SMXE | Safer Mode Extensions Enable |
15 | 0 | Reserved |
16 | FSGSBASE | Enables the instructions RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE, WRFSBASE, and WRGSBASE |
17 | PCIDE | PCID Enable |
18 | OSXSAVE | XSAVE And Processor Extended States Enable |
19 | 0 | Reserved |
20 | SMEP | Supervisor Mode Executions Protection Enable |
21 | SMAP | Supervisor Mode Access Protection Enable |
22 | PKE | Enable protection keys for user-mode pages |
23 | CET | Enable Control-flow Enforcement Technology |
24 | PKS | Enable protection keys for supervisor-mode pages |
25-63 | 0 | Reserved |
CR8[edit | edit source]
CR8 is a new register accessible in 64-bit mode using the REX prefix. CR8 is used to prioritize external interrupts and is referred to as the task-priority register (TPR).
The AMD64 architecture allows software to define up to 15 external interrupt-priority classes. Priority classes are numbered from 1 to 15, with priority-class 1 being the lowest and priority-class 15 the highest. CR8 uses the four low-order bits for specifying a task priority and the remaining 60 bits are reserved and must be written with zeros.
System software can use the TPR register to temporarily block low-priority interrupts from interrupting a high-priority task. This is accomplished by loading TPR with a value corresponding to the highest-priority interrupt that is to be blocked. For example, loading TPR with a value of 9 (1001b) blocks all interrupts with a priority class of 9 or less, while allowing all interrupts with a priority class of 10 or more to be recognized. Loading TPR with 0 enables all external interrupts. Loading TPR with 15 (1111b) disables all external interrupts.
The TPR is cleared to 0 on reset.
Bit | Purpose |
0-3 | Priority |
4-63 | Reserved |
CR1, CR5-7, CR9-15[edit | edit source]
Reserved, the cpu will throw a #ud exeption when trying to access them.
MSRs[edit | edit source]
IA32_EFER[edit | edit source]
Extended Feature Enable Register (EFER) is a model-specific register added in the AMD K6 processor, to allow enabling the SYSCALL/SYSRET instruction, and later for entering and exiting long mode. This register becomes architectural in AMD64 and has been adopted by Intel. Its MSR number is 0xC0000080.
Bit(s) | Label | Description |
0 | SCE | System Call Extensions |
1-7 | 0 | Reserved |
8 | LME | Long Mode Enable |
10 | LMA | Long Mode Active |
11 | NXE | No-Execute Enable |
12 | SVME | Secure Virtual Machine Enable |
13 | LMSLE | Long Mode Segment Limit Enable |
15 | TCE | Translation Cache Extension |
16-63 | 0 | Reserved |
FS.base, GS.base[edit | edit source]
MSRs with the addresses 0xC0000100 (for FS) and 0xC0000101 (for GS) contain the base addresses of the FS and GS segment registers. These are commonly used for thread-pointers in user code and CPU-local pointers in kernel code. Safe to contain anything, since use of a segment does not confer additional privileges to user code.
In newer CPUs, these can also be written with WRFSBASE and WRGSBASE instructions at any privilege level.
KernelGSBase[edit | edit source]
MSR with the address 0xC0000102. Is basically a buffer that gets exchanged with GS.base after a swapgs instruction. Usually used to seperate kernel and user use of the GS register.
Debug Registers[edit | edit source]
DR0 - DR3[edit | edit source]
Contain linear addresses of up to 4 breakpoints. If paging is enabled, they are translated to physical addresses.
DR6[edit | edit source]
It permits the debugger to determine which debug conditions have occurred. When an enabled debug exception is triggered, low order bits 0-3 are set before entering debug exception handler.
DR7[edit | edit source]
Bit | Description |
0 | Local DR0 Breakpoint |
1 | Global DR0 Breakpoint |
2 | Local DR1 Breakpoint |
3 | Global DR1 Breakpoint |
4 | Local DR2 Breakpoint |
5 | Global DR2 Breakpoint |
6 | Local DR3 Breakpoint |
7 | Global DR3 Breakpoint |
16-17 | Conditions for DR0 |
18-19 | Size of DR0 Breakpoint |
20-21 | Conditions for DR1 |
22-23 | Size of DR1 Breakpoint |
24-25 | Conditions for DR2 |
26-27 | Size of DR2 Breakpoint |
28-29 | Conditions for DR3 |
30-31 | Size of DR3 Breakpoint |
A local breakpoint bit deactivates on hardware task switches, while a global does not.
00b condition means execution break, 01b means a write watchpoint, and 11b means an R/W watchpoint. 10b is reserved for I/O R/W (unsupported).
Test Registers[edit | edit source]
Name | Description |
TR3 - TR5 | Undocumented |
TR6 | Test Command Register |
TR7 | Test Data Register |
Protected Mode Registers[edit | edit source]
GDTR[edit | edit source]
Operand Size | Label | Description | |
64-bit | 32-bit | ||
Bits 0-15 | Limit | Size of GDT | |
Bits 16-79 | Bits 16-47 | Base | Starting Address of GDT |
LDTR[edit | edit source]
Stores the segment selector of the LDT.
TR[edit | edit source]
Stores the segment selector of the TSS.
IDTR[edit | edit source]
Operand Size | Label | Description | |
64-bit | 32-bit | ||
Bits 0-15 | Limit | Size of IDT | |
Bits 16-79 | Bits 16-47 | Base | Starting Address of IDT |