VMware tools

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VMware's various virtualization products implement a backdoor which provides some useful functionality to the guest operating system, similar to the VirtualBox Guest Additions. In addition to VMware, QEMU also implements some of the functionality of the VMware backdoor, including support for absolute mouse positioning which can be very useful if you lack a USB stack and want to be able to productively use QEMU's integrated VNC server.

Sample code in this article is provided from ToaruOS and is based on research from the VMware SVGA developer kit and open-vm-tools.

VMware Backdoor

To communicate with the host, VMware uses a port-and-register based backdoor. Magic values, commands, and arguments are stored in the eax, ebx, ecx, and edx registers, a "magic" port operation is executed, and then the returned values are stored in these registers. There are three ways to access the backdoor, which uses two different magic port values. Most backdoor commands use the single port "in" version, while longer messages are read and written through the "high bandwidth" "rep out/in" version.

First, let's define a structure to store the register values and also provide some helpful aliases through unions. I am using unnamed unions here, but you may wish to name them depending on your compiler configuration:

typedef struct {
	union {
		uint32_t ax;
		uint32_t magic;
	union {
		uint32_t bx;
		size_t size;
	union {
		uint32_t cx;
		uint16_t command;
	union {
		uint32_t dx;
		uint16_t port;
	uint32_t si;
	uint32_t di;
} vmware_cmd;

The union values explain the purpose of some of the registers in the single port "in" version of the backdoor. DX will contain the port number used for the port read, EAX will store a magic value, EBX may contain a size argument, and CX will indicate the command we are requesting from the VM. You will not we also have values for SI and DI, which are used by the "high bandwidth" version of the backdoor.

Now let's set up some functions to perform the various backdoor calls. GCC's inline assembly makes this very easy, as we can just pass the values from our struct into a short assembly call as the registers we want to set. We'll have three different methods available: one for the single-port backdoor and both an "in" and "out" method for the high bandwidth version. We'll also set the magic values and ports appropriately before calling the assembly instructions:

#define VMWARE_MAGIC  0x564D5868
#define VMWARE_PORT   0x5658
#define VMWARE_PORTHB 0x5659

void vmware_send(vmware_cmd * cmd) {
	cmd->magic = VMWARE_MAGIC;
	cmd->port = VMWARE_PORT;
	asm volatile("in %%dx, %0" : "+a"(cmd->ax), "+b"(cmd->bx), "+c"(cmd->cx), "+d"(cmd->dx), "+S"(cmd->si), "+D"(cmd->di));

static void vmware_send_hb(vmware_cmd * cmd) {
	cmd->magic = VMWARE_MAGIC;
	cmd->port = VMWARE_PORTHB;
	asm volatile("cld; rep; outsb" : "+a"(cmd->ax), "+b"(cmd->bx), "+c"(cmd->cx), "+d"(cmd->dx), "+S"(cmd->si), "+D"(cmd->di));

static void vmware_get_hb(vmware_cmd * cmd) {
	cmd->magic = VMWARE_MAGIC;
	cmd->port = VMWARE_PORTHB;
	asm volatile("cld; rep; insb" : "+a"(cmd->ax), "+b"(cmd->bx), "+c"(cmd->cx), "+d"(cmd->dx), "+S"(cmd->si), "+D"(cmd->di));

Detecting the VMware Backdoor

Note: Blindly reading from IO ports is probably not the best approach to detecting some special VM hardware.

In order to ensure that we are communicating with a VMware backdoor implementation, we should query it as follows:

int is_vmware_backdoor(void) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;
	cmd.bx = ~VMWARE_MAGIC;
	cmd.command = CMD_GETVERSION;
	if (cmd.bx != VMWARE_MAGIC || cmd.ax == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		/* Not a backdoor! */
		return 0;
	return 1;

Absolute Mouse Coordinates

The backdoor allows us to disable the PS/2 mouse and instead receive absolute mouse coordinates. This means we don't need to "capture" the mouse pointer in the VM. As an extra bonus, QEMU implements this functionality as well.

When the absolute mouse is enabled, the PS/2 mouse status bit indicates not that the PS/2 port should be read, but that the backdoor should be used to read mouse data instead, so you should route PS/2 mouse interrupts to your VMware backdoor handler where appropriate.

We'll provide two functions, one to enable the absolute mouse, and one to disable it.

Our enable function will perform 4 backdoor calls: One to enable the mouse functionality, two to request status information, and one to switch to absolute mode. Let's define some magic values for these commands:


#define ABSPOINTER_ENABLE   0x45414552 /* Q E A E */
#define ABSPOINTER_ABSOLUTE 0x53424152 /* R A B S */

Now we can enable the absolute mouse like this:

void mouse_absolute(void) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;

	/* Enable */

	/* Status */
	cmd.bx = 0;

	/* Read data (1) */
	cmd.bx = 1;
	cmd.command = CMD_ABSPOINTER_DATA;

	/* Enable absolute */

Disabling the mouse is a bit easier as it is a single backdoor command:

void mouse_relative(void) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;

With these two functions, we can toggle the absolute mouse pointer on and off, which is useful if users want to play games in our OS that require a relative mouse pointer (like Quake), so we'll want to provide a user-accessible method to toggling the pointer mode.

Now let's handle the actual mouse events. When your PS/2 mouse driver receives a byte from the mouse when the absolute pointer is enabled, it should ignore that byte and call a function in the VMware driver to get the actual mouse data.

void vmware_handle_mouse(void) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;
	/* Read the mouse status */
	cmd.bx = 0;
	/* Mouse status is in EAX */
	if (cmd.ax == 0xFFFF0000) {
		/* An error has occured, let's turn the device off and back on */
	/* The status command returns a size we need to read, should be at least 4. */
	if ((cmd.ax & 0xFFFF) < 4) return;
	/* Read 4 bytes of mouse data */
	cmd.bx = 4;
	cmd.command = CMD_ABSPOINTER_DATA;
	/* Mouse data is now stored in AX, BX, CX, and DX */
	int flags   = (cmd.ax & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; /* Not important */
	int buttons = (cmd.ax & 0xFFFF); /* 0x10 = Right, 0x20 = Left, 0x08 = Middle */
	int x       = (cmd.bx); /* Both X and Y are scaled from 0 to 0xFFFF */
	int y       = (cmd.cx); /* You should map these somewhere to the actual resolution. */
	int z       = (int8_t)(cmd.dx); /* Z is a single signed byte indicating scroll direction. */
	/* TODO: Do something useful here with these values, such as providing them to userspace! */

Message Channels

Advanced functionality of the backdoor employs message channels. We'll be using two different message channels: RPCI channels and TCLO channels. We'll use RPCI channels to send capability strings to VMware, and the TCLO channel to receive events.

Message channels have five basic operations: open, close, receive, send, ack.

#define MESSAGE_OPEN  0x00000000
#define MESSAGE_SEND  0x00010000
#define MESSAGE_RECV  0x00030000
#define MESSAGE_ACK   0x00050000 
#define MESSAGE_CLOSE 0x00060000

/* Open a message channel */
int open_msg_channel(uint32_t protocol) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;
	cmd.bx = protocol;
	/* AX indicates status; 0x10000 is success */
	if ((cmd.ax & 0x10000) == 0) {
		/* Failed */
		return -1;
	/* Channel is returned in upper two bytes of EDX */
	return cmd.dx >> 16;

/* Close a message channel */
void close_msg_channel(int channel) {
	vmware_cmd cmd;
	cmd.bx = 0;
	cmd.dx = channel << 16; /* channel passed in high two bytes of EDX */

/* Send data to a message channel */
int send_msg(int channel, char * msg, size_t size) {
	/* Write the send size to the regular backdoor */
	vmware_cmd send = {0};
	send.size = size;
	send.dx = channel << 16;
	if (size == 0) return 0; /* Nothing more to do for empty messages */
	if (((send.cx >> 16) & 0x0081) != 0x0081) {
		/* This error indicates the response is not expected
		   to come from the correct source (the high bandwidth
		   backdoor) and we should bail. */
		return -1;
	/* Write the data to the high-bandwidth backdoor */
	vmware_cmd data = {0};
	data.bx = 0x00010000; /* High-bandwidth commands are in EBX */
	data.cx = size; /* And ECX stores the size */
	data.dx = channel << 16; /* Channel still in EDX though */
	data.si = (uint32_t)msg; /* Probably needs adjustments for 64-bit guests */
	/* Confirm status code */
	if (!(cmd.bx & 0x00010000)) {
		/* Failed to send */
		return -1;
	return 0; /* Success */

Automatically Setting the Display Resolution