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I am a pure C and Intel Assembler programmer. I am creating an operating system called AcessOS that I hope will be able to incorporate the principle of Wine in running both Microsoft Windows and Linux applications natively (sadly, this is just a pipe dream at the moment). The interface of AcessOS is designed to be a simplification of the Unix system using a Virtual File System Layer with user friendly names and transparent device access.


Acess is my operating system designed with simplicity for the developer in mind. It makes heavy use of the VFS layer, forcing all drivers to expose themselves as files/folders under the DevFS mount (typically /Devices) Acess has evolved over the years from a tutorial clone to a tangled mess of code that works in two editions, and then to the fully reworked version, Acess 2. A more detailed description of Acess 2, along with source download and the API documentation is available on my website (see the top of the page). Essentially, Acess 2 is designed more along the lines of the Linux kernel in that it can use the same source tree for many different architectures, and can be customized at compile/run time for many different jobs.


The Real Mode Emulator (RME) is one of my side projects. It provides the features of VM8086 mode via emulation, allowing long mode OSs to call BIOS routines, or emulate DOS/other 16-bit code.


EmulOS is a project that grew out of the Realmode emulator code, designed similarly to Qemu, but at the kernel level instead of userland. EmulOS v1 managed to get to a semi-complete stage, but did not use memory management (so could run into issues with addresses > 16MiB) and lacked multi-CPU support. EmulOS 2 attempts to combat this by using a custom semi-microkernel that does task switching and provides an interface to emulated memory. It also is available on my website (Projects->EmulOS 2) EmulOS 3 is currently in planning and will end up building upon the Acess 2 kernel, allowing it to use the filesystem and hardware drivers available to Acess.