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The .Show routine is mostly just a lot of loading of memory addresses and writing Hex to the screen. There is the main loop, and three support functions:

  • .Address displays the current Address (always a multiple of 10h);
  • .Show.Bytes displays the current row in Bytes, with an ASCII display on the right hand side;
  • .Show.DWords displays the current row in DWords.

The hard part is actually near the edge of the current Segment's limits. The rest of the code manages discovering the limits and changing the display address in response to keypresses: this code just has to not blow those limits. The rest of the code has already set up the input parameters to handle Expand Down Segments. All this code has to do is compare the current Segment memory pointer (ESI) against the Minimum (EBX) and Maximum (EDX) values, and display spaces if it's outside of those limits.

And the hardest part of that was the .Show.DWords displayer, since it usually uses LODSD to read the DWords from the current Data segment. Close to the limit of the Segment, though, this will cause a GPF - no part of the access can breach the Limit. So in that case it devolves to multiple Byte accesses to form as much of the DWord as it can assemble.


; Ints/Debug/

; This module has the various Display functions to show the current Segment.

; This function shows a screenful of memory, without violating any Segment
; limits. It displays the memory in either Byte (with ASCII) or DWord form.
; Input:  DS  = Segment to display
;         ES  = Screen Segment
;         EBX = Minimum displayable address (0000_0000h or Limit)
;         EDX = Maximum displayable address (Limit or FFFF_FFFFh)
;         ESI = Current address to display from
;         EBP = .Byte or .DWord function pointer
; Output: EAX, ECX, EDI modified

                PUSH            ESI

                MOV             ECX,Debug.Show.Height
                MOV             EDI,(Debug.VGA.Top*VGA.Cols+Debug.VGA.Left)*2
                PUSH            ECX               ; Need this later

                CMP             ESI,EDX           ; Past Maximum?
                JA              .Row.Blank        ; Yes, so blank row
                CMP             ESI,EBX           ; At least Minimum?
                JAE             .Row.Show         ; Yes, so show row normally
                LEA             EAX,[EBX-Debug.BytesPerRow] ; Is it a partial row?
                CMP             ESI,EAX           ; Below even this?
                JA              .Row.Show         ; No, so show partial row
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.Blank
                MOV             AL,' '            ; Blank
                MOV             ECX,Debug.VGA.Width   ; Entire row
                ADD             ESI,Debug.BytesPerRow ; Catching up?
                REP             STOSW
                JMP             .Row.Next         ; Next row
                PUSH            EDX               ; Need this later
                CALL            .Address
                POP             EDX

                CALL            EBP               ; Call current Row function

                ADD             EDI,(VGA.Cols-Debug.VGA.Width)*2
                POP             ECX               ; More rows?
                LOOP            .Row

                POP             ESI               ; Back to top
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.Addr

                MOV             CL,4              ; Size of Selector
                MOV             DX,DS             ; Selector to display
                CALL            Ints.Hex

                MOV             AL,':'            ; Separator

                MOV             CL,8
                MOV             EDX,ESI           ; Address
                CALL            Ints.Hex

                MOV             AL,' '

; This function displays one row of .BytesPerRow Bytes (if inside Limits), plus
; an ASCII representation on the side.

                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.Bytes
                MOV             CL,Debug.BytesPerRow ; Number of Bytes
                PUSH            ECX

                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.ASCII
                LEA             ECX,[Debug.BytesPerRow+ECX*2] ; Offset to ASCII field

                CMP             ESI,EBX           ; Less than Minimum?
                JB              .NoByte           ; Yes, so skip
                CMP             ESI,EDX           ; More than Maximum?
                JA              .NoByte           ; Yes, so skip

                LODSB                             ; Byte to display
                MOV             [ES:EDI+ECX*2],AX ; Store ASCII

                PUSH            EDX
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.Bytes
                MOV             CL,2              ; Number of nybbles
                MOV             DL,AL
                CALL            Ints.Hex
                POP             EDX

                MOV             AL,' '
                CMP     BYTE   [ESP],4            ; Don't show in last position
                JB              .Separator
                TEST            ESI,0003h
                JNZ             .Separator
                MOV             AL,'-'
                JMP             .Next
                MOV             AL,' '
                INC             ESI               ; Catching up?
                MOV             [ES:EDI+ECX*2],AX ; Store ASCII

                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.Bytes
                MOV             ECX,3
                REP             STOSW
                POP             ECX
                LOOP            .Loop

                ; Now blank out any area to the right of the ASCII field
                MOV             AL,' '
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.ASCII
                MOV             ECX,Debug.VGA.Width-Debug.Width.Addr-Debug.Width.Byte
                ADD             EDI,Debug.BytesPerRow*2 ; Go past ASCII field
                REP             STOSW
; This function displays one row of 4 DWords (if inside Limits). There's some
; hairy code about trying to display part-words at the edge of the Limits...

                MOV             CL,Debug.BytesPerRow/4 ; Number of DWords
                PUSH            ECX

                CMP             ESI,EDX           ; More than Maximum?
                JA              .NoDWord          ; Yes, so skip
                CMP             ESI,EBX           ; Less than Minimum?
                JAE             .TestHi           ; No, so TestHi
                LEA             EAX,[EBX-4]       ; Check how FAR less we are
                CMP             ESI,EAX           ; MUCH less?
                JBE             .NoDWord          ; Yes
                JMP             .Partial          ; Get part-DWord
                LEA             EAX,[EDX-3]       ; Test how close to Maximum
                CMP             ESI,EAX
                JBE             .Normal           ; Safe to proceed normally
                XOR             EAX,EAX           ; Start with zero
                MOV             CL,4              ; Number of bytes
                SHL             EAX,8             ; One more byte
                CMP             ESI,EBX           ; Still too low?
                JB              .Continue         ; Yep!
                CMP             ESI,EDX           ; Now too high?
                JA              .Continue         ; Yep!
                MOV             AL,[ESI]          ; Nope, so safe!
                INC             ESI               ; Keep looking
                LOOP            .Build            ; Build DWord
                JMP             .Show
                LODSD                             ; DWord to display
                PUSH            EDX
                MOV             CL,8              ; Number of nybbles
                MOV             EDX,EAX
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.DWords
                CALL            Ints.Hex
                POP             EDX
                JMP             .Separator
                MOV             AH,Debug.Colour.DWords
                MOV             AL,' '
                MOV             ECX,8
                ADD             ESI,4             ; Catching up?
                REP             STOSW
                MOV             AL,' '
                POP             ECX
                LOOP            .Loop

                ; Now blank out any area to the right of the Hex field
                MOV             AL,' '
                MOV             ECX,Debug.VGA.Width-Debug.Width.Addr-Debug.Width.DWord
                REP             STOSW