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Unix text terminals do a number of things: move the cursor around, format text, change colors, clear the screen, etc. There's a special command language for controlling all of this, originally based on the VT100 series of physical terminals (but over the years a bunch of stuff was added, and now it's a huge mess).

This tutorial covers emulating a (subset of) xterm's command language. Xterm is something of a de facto standard, so it seemed like a good place to start.

How terminals work

Terminals control how Unix users interact with applications. A Unix terminal will handle keyboard input, render formatted/colored text, and send signals to host applications when the user presses special control codes, e.g. CTRL-C to abort an application.

Terminals can be implemented in the kernel (linuxconsole) or outside of it (xterm/rxvt and derivatives). Terminals provide stdin, and are fed stdout.

Command Reference

Basic Info on Commands

Commands typically start with the ESC key (ascii 27). They can include a number of arguments, which are drawn with grey color, and take the form name = $type=default. For example, ch=$c=1 has type c and defaults to '1' (in this case the character '1').

Note that if an argument has a default value, it can be omitted. Also, control sequences don't have spaces in them.


  • $c  : any printable characters (be careful of numerals)
  • $[...]  : any character in set
  • $d  : ascii-encoded base-10 integer
  • $i  : raw binary integer (0-255)

Basic Commands

Terminal Control Codes
Terminfo Code Escape Sequence Description Notes
cup ESC [ y=$d ; x=$d H Set cursor position origin is at (1, 1), not (0, 0).
cub ESC [ i=$d=1 A Move cursor up i steps
cud ESC [ i=$d=1 B Move cursor down i steps
cuf ESC [ i=$d=1 C Move cursor right i steps
cub ESC [ i=$d=1 D Move cursor left i steps
clear ESC [ 2 J Erase entire screen
home ESC [ H Move cursor to home position.
dch ESC [ i=$d=1 P Delete i preceding characters
decsc ESC 7 Save cursor
decrc ESC 8 Restore cursor
setaf ESC [ 3 color=$d=1 m Set foreground color to a valid SGR color. This forms an SGR code.
smcup ESC ? 1 ; 0 ; 4 ; 7 h Use alternative screen buffer. Full-screen text apps use this to avoid messing up the scroll buffer.
rmcup ESC ? 1 ; 0 ; 4 ; 9 l Switch back to normal screen buffer.
??? ESC ? 1 ; 0 ; 4 ; 7 l Switch back to normal screen buffer, then clear the screen.
??? ESC ? 1 ; 0 ; 4 ; 9 h Save cursor as in decsc, switch to alternate screen buffer, clearing it first.

Mouse Tracking (xterm)

Source: [[1]]

Xterm supports a number of mouse modes. For this tutorial we'll focus on the X11 xterm's "normal", "cell" and "any" modes. "Normal" mode only button press/release events, while "any" sends both button press/release and motion events. "Cell" mode only sends events if the mouse has moved to another character cell.

Mouse Mode Set
Code Description Notes
ESC [ 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 h Normal mouse mode Does not send motion events.
ESC [ 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 h Cell mouse mode Does not send motion events. Only sends events when mouse cursor enters a different text cell.
ESC [ 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 2 h Any mouse mode Sends mouse motion events as well as button press/release.
ESC [ 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 2 h Send mouse focus events.
Mouse event codes
Code Description Notes
ESC M d=$i x=$i y=$i d is an information bitmask. x and y are coordinates
ESC [ I Got mouse focus
ESC [ O Lost mouse focus The letter O, not zero

Information Bitmask
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Button 1 pressed (or 3 if bit 6 is set) Button 2 pressed (or 4 if bit 6 is set). If previous bit is set, interpret this as a button release event (apparently with no info on which button was released?). Shift modifier key Meta/Alt modifier key Control modifier key

SGR Codes

SGR codes are used for formatting text. An SGR code has the form:

ESC [ mode=$d m

mode is a special code specifying either text attributes (e.g. bold) or colors.

SGR Codes
Code Description Notes
0 Reset to default
1 Light color mode
2 Faint/dark color mode Not widely supported (according to wikipedia)
3 Italic: on
4 Underline single
5 Slow Blink Not widely supported (according to wikipedia)
6 Fast Blink Not widely supported (according to wikipedia)
7 Swap foreground and background colors
8 Conceal. Temporarily sets foreground color to background color. Not widely supported (according to wikipedia)
9 Striketru
10 Set default font
11-19 Choose font
20 Fraktur Does anything support this? Seems like an odd option to have.
22 Normal color, bold off
23 Turn off italic and Fraktur
24 Turn off underline
25 Turn off blink
26 Reserved
27 Unswap foreground and background colors
28 Turn off conceal
29 Turn off strikethru
30-37 Foreground color
38 Terminal-specific custom foreground code
39 Default foreground color
40-47 Background color
48 Terminal-specific custom background code
49 Default background color
50 Reserved
51 Framed
52 Encircled
53 Overlined
54 Turn off frame/encircled
55 Turn off overline
SGR Colors
SGR Colors
Number Default Mode Light Mode Name
0 black
1 red
2 green
3 yellow
4 blue
5 magenta
6 cyan
7 white

The stty command

Terminal modes can be controlled with the stty utility (as well as a rather annoying POSIX API). You can invoke stty from C code with the system command. For example, to turn off echo and line mode, you could do this:

system("stty raw -echo");

To turn echo and line mode back on:

system("stty -raw echo");

See Also


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