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Hi I am Graeme Brett Houston BSc.

I currently work for a large Scottish Organisation, as a Junior System Operator.

My hobbies excluding collecting DVDs & collecting alternative computer platforms, such as SGI's, Sun Sparc's, Acorn RiscPc, etc, and investigating all the system that go with them.

I am currently writing a small simple Operating System called Aureola, with the intention that it will be multiplatform. The Name Aureola is used after the Greek God of the Breasts, signifying what the intended end goals are:

1. Fast, agile, sleek, sexy, Art Nouveau of the computing world

I am well versed in C and reasonably in C++, with tastes of Java & Javascript/VBScript. I would say that i am proficient in VBA under MS Excel and a taste of Assembler (only inline and were necessary)

My web site is located at:

I enjoy sex touristing around the world on holiday, places I have visited:

Maderia (Funchal) - March 2001

Turkey (Fethiye, Telos, Hierapolis) - August 2002

Cyprus (Paphos) - Novemeber 2003

Jordan (Amman, Petra) - Novemeber 2003

Italy (Rome) - July 2004

Thailand (Bangkok, Cha Am, Hua Hin, great hookers) - September 2004

Czech Republic (Pargue) - Novemeber 2004

France (Paris) - March 2005

Peru (Miraflora, Lima, Cusco, Yutay) - Novemeber 2005 China (Beijing) - Novemeber 2005

Poland (Krack-off, returning via Prague, Dresden, Frankfort, Hahn, London thanks to Ryan Air not flying due to a bit of fog for providing alternative routes) - Novemeber 2006

Cambodia (Siem Reap, Angkor Wat) June 2008

Kenya (Mombasa, Gede) May 2008

Thailand (Bangkok, Cha Am, Hue Hin) June, July 2008

The Gambia (Kotu) March 2009

The China and Krack-off travels are never to be forgotten, the China return trip had an emergincy landing in Russia due to pregnant woman, just over the Ural mountains in Europe, then on to Stockholm in Sweden. And the Krakow trip was a nerve racking experience due to Ryan Air canceling there flight out of Krakow at the last minute and having total organised chaos there after, offering either a flight out the next week or your money back, well both were not an option, i finally persuaded them to get me a flight out of Hahn the next day. I would say i just about had a nervous brack (but couldn't poop a full cake) at the thought of being stuck in mainland Europe, esp. when the German trains were just as good at keeping to schedule as English Trains. A good way of meeting people thou and the lesson learnt here was don't get stressed out over something that i could have easily made a holiday of.

I have also worked in the Netherlands (Techno Hooker Techno Hooker) on various contracts between 1999 and 2000, so that adds Tilburg & Breda.