Talk:Loopback Device

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This article talks about creating, mounting, and formating images under Linux and *BSD. Being an OSDev wiki, however, I believe there should be theory behind loopback devices, discussion over the problems they cause (such as how in a microkernel a file operation on a loopback device may be cause a message to be sent through shell->vfs server->loopback server->vfs server->fat server), and how to implement a loopback device in an operating system. --MessiahAndrw 00:24, 15 December 2006 (CST)

Be my guest - Combuster 05:32, 15 December 2006 (CST)

Copy Stage files

cp /lib/grub/i386-pc/stage[12] /mnt/myfloppy/grub

This folder no longer exists in modern distributions.

--Funyotros 14:23, 27 May 2013 (CDT)

Article Name

The documentation that I've read is always careful to point out that a "loop device" is a different thing than a "loopback device" -- and that what this article is talking about is a loop device, not a loopback device. Should we fix this? Bewing 22:25, 28 June 2013 (CDT)

Absolutely! possibly with a redirect from Loopback Device? --Aj 09:18, 3 July 2013 (CDT)