Talk:Inline Assembly/Examples

Revision as of 03:22, 3 May 2009 by osdev>Quok

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Quok
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Rolled back edit by imate900 that added the following lgdt function, which is wrong for many reasons. I just did not have time to fix the example yet.

void *lgdt(void *gdt, int entries)
 struct { unsigned short *length, void *base } gdtr_t;
 gdtr_t *gdtr;
 gdtr.length = entries;
 gdtr.base = gdt;
 asm("lgdt (%0)": : "p" (&gdtr));
 asm("mov %ax, 0x10");
 asm("mov %ds, %ax");
 asm("mov %es, %ax");
 asm("mov %fs, %ax");
 asm("mov %gs, %ax");
 asm("mov %ss, %ax");
 goto fix_cs;

--quok 19:17, 2 May 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]