Rust Bare Bones

Revision as of 03:21, 10 September 2018 by osdev>Carver
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WAIT! Have you read Getting Started, Beginner Mistakes, and some of the related OS theory?
Kernel Designs
Other Concepts


  • The rust libcore can easily be included in a kernel, it's analogous to C's freestanding headers
  • Enable `--gc-sections` in ld to avoid having to define symbols you don't need (e.g. floating point math functions)
  • Always use a target json file (Flexible Target Specifications)
  • If you're building a UEFI app, disable function sections as well
    • rustc puts every item in its own section by default. The PE format has a limit of 96 sections. So unless you disable function sections, your project will most likely fail to load.
