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* [[AC97]]
* [[AC97]]
* [[Intel_High_Definition_Audio|Intel High Definition Audio]]
* [[Intel_High_Definition_Audio|Intel High Definition Audio]]
* [[Virtio|virtio]] devices
* [[Virtio]] devices
* PCI SVGA card (Cirrus Logic 5446)
* PCI SVGA card (Cirrus Logic 5446)
* PCI support (With BIOS32).
* PCI support (With BIOS32).

Revision as of 00:28, 10 September 2018

PC Emulators
PC Virtual Machine Monitors
PowerPC Emulators


  • Two operating modes: full system emulation (which interests us) and Linux user process emulation (which interests other people) and is a NxM platform emulator (multiple host, multiple targets).
  • It is faster than Bochs because it uses 'just in time' code compilation technique (allowing reuse of previous interpretation)
  • Provides native GDB support and you can attach it to GDB/DDD by adding the "-s -S" switches to the command line and from the GDB window start the debugging session with target remote :1234 if QEMU is waiting on local port 1234.
  • Supports VBE 2.0. This can be checked if you use the GRUB command line and type vbeprobe. The test returns:

Supported VBE modes

0x101 Packed pixel 640x480x8
0x110 Direct Color 640x480x15
0x111 Direct Color 640x480x16
0x112 Direct Color 640x480x24
0x103 Packed pixel 800x600x8
0x113 Direct Color 800x600x15
0x114 Direct Color 800x600x16
0x115 Direct Color 800x600x24
0x105 Packed pixel 1024x768x8
0x116 Direct Color 1024x768x15
0x117 Direct Color 1024x768x16
0x118 Direct Color 1024x768x24
0x107 Packed pixel 1024x768x8
0x119 Direct Color 1024x768x15
0x11A Direct Color 1024x768x16

Supported Architectures

Supported Devices


QEMU is easy to use, it does not have a configuration script like Bochs. To use QEMU with your OS,

qemu -L .\ -fda my_disk_image.img -m 32

Or, if you use UNIX,

qemu -fda my_disk_image.img -m 32

The -L tells QEMU where to find its BIOS images, which is not necessary in a standard unix installation. The -m tells how many megabytes of memory to use; the default is 128

You can use -fda/-fdb for disk image files, and -hda/-hdb/-hdc/-hdd for hard disks. To change boot devices, use -boot {a/b/c/d}. a/b tell it to boot floppy a or b. c for hard disk and d for CDROM.

Alternatively you can point -hdc or use -cdrom to an ISO image file (2048 bytes per sector ISO format).

Whilst inside the emulator you can use CTRL-ALT-{1,2,3} to swap in/out of the emulation screen, the QEMU console and a serial console. The system console lets you change disk images and other things and do memory dumps etc.

In order to track down a triple fault, you can use the -d int option to show what interrupts happen. Work can be done even more easily when passing the -no-shutdown -no-reboot options, since that causes the virtual machine not to reboot, but instead halt. Then, in conjunction with the QEMU monitor (see below), you can debug the machine state more thoroughly.

The QEMU Console

It is possible to communicate with the QEMU console like one communicates with the Bochs console. However, this does not occur through port 0xE9 (which may be achieved by patching the source code however), but by using a serial port. ReactOS uses this to dump warning messages in the QEMU console. See the ReactOS wiki for details.

The QEMU monitor

When you hit CTRL-ALT-2 you are placed in the QEMU monitor which is a command-line for querying information about the system while it is running. It does not quite act as a debugger, but, used in combination with GDB-stub, you can get pretty much all the functionality you will need. In Unix hosts, you can even redirect this monitor interface to the standard output using the

-monitor stdio

command-line option. Some useful commands:

eXamine Physical memory. Much like GDB's x command, but with no address translation.
cpu n
switch to CPU n. Note that GDB's threads are numbered from 1, but QEMU's CPUs are numbered from 0.
info registers
dump register state
info tlb
Show virtual memory translation state.
info mem
Show the page table mappings in a compact form.
List all commands -- keep in mind that there may be more commands available than those mentioned in the QEMU documentation.


This article refers to its readers or editors using I, my, we or us.
It should be edited to be in an encyclopedic tone.

When you supply the -s command line option, QEMU will listen on port localhost:1234 for a connection by GDB. If you also supply the -S command line option, then QEMU will start as if you set a breakpoint at time zero, and you will need to use the GDB command "continue" to actually begin the simulation.

For convenience, I put a file called .gdbinit in the current working directory which automatically runs certain commands when you start GDB without the -n option. For example:

file <my-kernel-binary>
target remote localhost:1234

will load into GDB your kernel and then connect to QEMU. Be sure to compile your kernel with the GCC option -g for debugging symbols. (If you find that the debugger can't find local variables, try using the -fno-omit-frame-pointer option when compiling, or disable optimizations.) Now you may debug your kernel as a C program. If you have an SMP kernel, check out the info threads and thread commands. It is also possible to use the QEMU monitor and its commands using the monitor command in GDB. For a list of available commands and their description, check out monitor help.

Getting detailed logs

Most of the QEMU source code has commented lines of the form:

// #define DEBUG_*

If you are willing to edit and recompile QEMU, then you can get a good deal of debugging info output to stdout by uncommenting those lines at the top of the files that implement the pieces of the simulation you need more info about.

See Also


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