File Disk

Revision as of 06:25, 30 September 2011 by osdev>Garob (website says the latest version "works better on Windows Vista and Windows 7")
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This little tool by Bo Brantén allows the mounting of a disk image to a drive letter. It works on WinNT/2000/XP/Vista/7. It can be found here


Mounting a image: Filedisk requires windows style full path of the image to mount the image. If a relative path or unix style path are given, it will fail. Note: Inside cygwin, Unix style path name can be converted to Windows absolute path name using the command cygpath

  filedisk /mount 0 "C:\Full\Path\To\Image\disk.img" m:
  filedisk /mount 0 `cygpath -a -w Image/disk.img` m:

Unmounting a image:

  filedisk /umount m: