Duct von Tape

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Revision as of 13:52, 20 May 2016 by Glauxosdever (talk | contribs) (Duct von Tape is more common than Bossy Boots)
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Duct likes mixing code from beginner tutorials, half-way projects and completed projects. He doesn't stick to one coding style, one naming convention, etc. He doesn't have specific goals that he can achieve by understanding what is he doing, because simply he doesn't understand what is he doing. Anyway his project will be used only by himself.

Duct's Bookshelf

None really, every snippet of code, even when irrelevant, can be integrated to his project.

Opponents Position

Writing an OS is a hard task that can't be achieved by copying and pasting random snippets of code. One has to know what does he do and how everything works together. In short, Duct is not the appropriate archetype for an OS developer.

People And OSes Related To Duct

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