ARM Integrator-CP IRQTimerAndPIC

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ARM Integrator-CP IRQ, Timer, And PIC

This demonstrates initializing the exceptions vector table, timer 0, and the programmable interrupt controller.


I used GCC 4.4.5 and GCC 4.8.2 targeting the ARM EABI. Also, Binutils and 2.20.1.


I Pancakes wrote this to help jump start you into developing for the ARM using QEMU or even a real piece of hardware. I have wrote software for both emulators and real hardware, but this has only been tested on QEMU so far. Please make any needed changes if you find problems. Also let me know at if you find this useful, have comments, or suggestions.

You might want to double check the exceptions other than FIQ, IRQ, and SWINT because I may not be manipulating the LR register for a correct return if needed.

Also keep in mind that on a real board you may be flashing this code directly and therefore you will be able to write to global variables in your code. You can avoid this by (1) not using global variables except only as read only. (2) Set the .bss and .data in the linker script to RAM, but then you will lose any initializers on that data. (3) Write a boot loader that loads this image in ELF (or similar) format.

QEMU will load an ELF, but I designed this to be used not only with an emulator but also with real hardware. With QEMU you can actually write to your global variables but on real hardware you will not if they reside in FLASH.

Another trick to maintain a global state. Is to designate an area of memory to serve as a header for instance:

#define KERNEL_HEAP    0x8000
#define KERNEL_HEAPSZ  0x1000

typedef struct _KERNEL_STATE {
    HEAP        heap;
    uint32      variable1;
    uint32      variable2;

KERNEL_STATE      *ks;


heapAddBlock(&ks->heap, KERNEL_HEAP + sizeof(KERNEL_STATE), KERNEL_HEAPSZ - sizeof(KERNEL_STATE));

/* load other areas of memory if needed */
heapAddBlock(&ks->heap, OTHERAREA, OTHERAREASZ);

This allows you to designate an area of memory as part of your heap, while designating a structure to exist at the beginning. Basically, KERNEL_STATE becomes your structure of global variables.


#ifdef B64
typedef unsigned long long  uintptr;
typedef unsigned int		uintptr;
typedef unsigned long long  uint64;
typedef unsigned int		uint32;
typedef unsigned char		uint8;
typedef unsigned short		uint16;

#define ARM4_XRQ_RESET   0x00
#define ARM4_XRQ_UNDEF   0x01
#define ARM4_XRQ_SWINT   0x02
#define ARM4_XRQ_ABRTP   0x03
#define ARM4_XRQ_ABRTD   0x04
#define ARM4_XRQ_RESV1   0x05
#define ARM4_XRQ_IRQ     0x06
#define ARM4_XRQ_FIQ     0x07

#define CTRL_ENABLE			0x80
#define CTRL_MODE_FREE		0x00
#define CTRL_INT_ENABLE		(1<<5)
#define CTRL_DIV_NONE		0x00
#define CTRL_DIV_16			0x04
#define CTRL_DIV_256		0x08
#define CTRL_SIZE_32		0x02
#define CTRL_ONESHOT		0x01

#define REG_LOAD		0x00
#define REG_VALUE		0x01
#define REG_CTRL		0x02
#define REG_INTCLR		0x03
#define REG_INTSTAT		0x04
#define REG_INTMASK		0x05
#define REG_BGLOAD		0x06

#define PIC_IRQ_STATUS			0x0
#define PIC_IRQ_RAWSTAT			0x1
#define PIC_IRQ_ENABLESET		0x2
#define PIC_IRQ_ENABLECLR		0x3
#define PIC_INT_SOFTSET			0x4
#define PIC_INT_SOFTCLR			0x5

#define PIC_FIQ_STATUS			8
#define PIC_FIQ_RAWSTAT			9

#define KSTACKSTART 0x2000
#define KSTACKEXC   0x4000

void start(void);

    This could be non-standard behavior, but as long as this resides at the top of this source and it is the
    first file used in the linking process (according to alphanumerical ordering) this code will start at the
    beginning of the .text section.
void __attribute__((naked)) entry()
	asm("mov sp, %[ps]" : : [ps]"i" (KSTACKSTART));
	/* send to serial output */
	asm("mov r1, #0x16000000");
	asm("mov r2, #65");
	asm("str r2, [r1]");
	/* call main kernel function */
	asm("bl	start");

#define KEXP_TOPSWI \
	uint32			lr; \
	asm("mov sp, %[ps]" : : [ps]"i" (KSTACKEXC)); \
	asm("push {lr}"); \
	asm("push {r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12}"); \
	asm("mov %[ps], lr" : [ps]"=r" (lr));

#define KEXP_TOP3 \
	uint32			lr; \
	asm("mov sp, %[ps]" : : [ps]"i" (KSTACKEXC)); \
	asm("sub lr, lr, #4"); \
	asm("push {lr}"); \
	asm("push {r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12}"); \
	asm("mov %[ps], lr" : [ps]"=r" (lr));
#define KEXP_BOT3 \
	asm("pop {r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12}"); \
	asm("LDM sp!, {pc}^")

#define SERIAL_BASE 0x16000000
#define SERIAL_BUFFER_FULL (1 << 5)

void k_serdbg_putc(char c)
    while (*(volatile unsigned long*)(SERIAL_BASE + SERIAL_FLAG_REGISTER) & (SERIAL_BUFFER_FULL));
    *(volatile unsigned long*)SERIAL_BASE = c;
uint32 arm4_cpsrget()
    uint32      r;
    asm("mrs %[ps], cpsr" : [ps]"=r" (r));
    return r;

void arm4_cpsrset(uint32 r)
    asm("msr cpsr, %[ps]" : : [ps]"r" (r));
void arm4_xrqenable_fiq()
    arm4_cpsrset(arm4_cpsrget() & ~(1 << 6));

void arm4_xrqenable_irq()
    arm4_cpsrset(arm4_cpsrget() & ~(1 << 7));
void k_exphandler(uint32 lr, uint32 type) {
	uint32			*t0mmio;
	uint32			swi;
	/* clear interrupt in both PIC and timer 
		if you do not clear it, an interrupt will
		be immediantly raised apon return from this
	t0mmio = (uint32*)0x13000000;
	t0mmio[REG_INTCLR] = 1;
		Get SWI argument (index).
	if (type == ARM4_XRQ_SWINT) {
		swi = ((uint32*)((uintptr)lr - 4))[0] & 0xffff;
		if (swi == 4) {
	if (type != ARM4_XRQ_IRQ && type != ARM4_XRQ_FIQ && type != ARM4_XRQ_SWINT) {
			Ensure, the exception return code is correctly handling LR with the
			correct offset. I am using the same return for everything except SWI, 
			which requires that LR not be offset before return.
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_irq_entry() { KEXP_TOP3; k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_IRQ); KEXP_BOT3; }
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_fiq_entry() { KEXP_TOP3;  k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_FIQ); KEXP_BOT3; }
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_reset_entry() { KEXP_TOP3; k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_RESET); KEXP_BOT3; }
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_undef_entry() { KEXP_TOP3; k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_UNDEF); KEXP_BOT3; }	
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_abrtp_entry() { KEXP_TOP3; k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_ABRTP); KEXP_BOT3; }
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_abrtd_entry() { KEXP_TOP3; k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_ABRTD); KEXP_BOT3; }
void __attribute__((naked)) k_exphandler_swi_entry() { KEXP_TOPSWI;   k_exphandler(lr, ARM4_XRQ_SWINT); KEXP_BOT3; }

void arm4_xrqinstall(uint32 ndx, void *addr) {
	char buf[32];
    uint32      *v;
    v = (uint32*)0x0;
	v[ndx] = 0xEA000000 | (((uintptr)addr - (8 + (4 * ndx))) >> 2);

void start() {
	uint32		*t0mmio;
	uint32		*picmmio;

	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_RESET, &k_exphandler_reset_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_UNDEF, &k_exphandler_undef_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_SWINT, &k_exphandler_swi_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_ABRTP, &k_exphandler_abrtp_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_ABRTD, &k_exphandler_abrtd_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_IRQ, &k_exphandler_irq_entry);
	arm4_xrqinstall(ARM4_XRQ_FIQ, &k_exphandler_fiq_entry);
	/* not proper way to do this, should check HW status */
	asm("swi #4");
	/* enable IRQ */
	arm4_cpsrset(arm4_cpsrget() & ~(1 << 7));
	/* initialize timer and PIC 
		The timer interrupt line connects to the PIC. You can make
		the timer interrupt an IRQ or FIQ just by enabling the bit
		needed in either the IRQ or FIQ registers. Here I use the
		IRQ register. If you enable both IRQ and FIQ then FIQ will
		take priority and be used.
	picmmio = (uint32*)0x14000000;
	picmmio[PIC_IRQ_ENABLESET] = (1<<5) | (1<<6) | (1<<7);
		See datasheet for timer initialization details.
	t0mmio = (uint32*)0x13000000;
	t0mmio[REG_LOAD] = 0xffffff;
	t0mmio[REG_BGLOAD] = 0xffffff;			
	t0mmio[REG_INTCLR] = ~0;		/* make sure interrupt is clear (might not be mandatory) */
	/* infinite loop */

Linker Script

ENTRY (entry)

    . = 0x10000;
    _BOI = .;
    .text : { *(.text*) *(.rodata*) *(.data*) *(.bss*)}
    _EOI = .;

Compile And Link

arm-eabi-gcc -s -I./inc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -std=gnu99 -c *.c
arm-eabi-ld -T link.ld -o __arm.bin *.o
arm-eabi-objcopy -j .text -O binary __arm.bin arm.bin


qemu-system-arm -m 8 -kernel arm.bin -serial stdio