Zig Bare Bones: Difference between revisions

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Line 14:
=== build.zig ===
<sourcesyntaxhighlight lang="czig">
const std = @import("std");
const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder;
Line 94:
=== src/main.zig ===
<sourcesyntaxhighlight lang="czig">
const console = @import("console.zig");
Line 129:
console.puts("Hello world!");
=== src/console.zig ===
<sourcesyntaxhighlight lang="czig">
const fmt = @import("std").fmt;
const Writer = @import("std").io.Writer;
Line 217:
fmt.format(writer, format, args) catch unreachable;
=== src/linker.ld ===
A [[linker script]] is also needed. This file tells the linker to place our code at the base address of 1M. In general user-space programming, code are placed at much higher areas, but that requires [[virtual memory]] to be available, or else only few computers could provide such a large physical memory space.
<source lang="asm">
We also asks the linker to place <code>.multiboot</code> section at first, because the Multiboot specification says that the Multiboot header must be at the first 8KiB of the kernel file.
Line 247 ⟶ 251:
=== src/grub.cfg ===
Finally, the last thing you need is a GRUB configuration, which tells the GRUB bootloader how to boot our kernel.
<source lang="c">
<code>menuentry</code> adds a menu entry to the screen. When you press ENTER in the GRUB menu, GRUB will run the commands in the menu block.
<code>multiboot</code> asks GRUB to load our kernel from <code>/boot/kernel.elf</code>, and GRUB automatically runs <code>boot</code> after the menu block, which will fire the boot.
<syntaxhighlight lang="unixconfig">
menuentry "Zig Bare Bones" {
multiboot /boot/kernel.elf
== Build ==
Now that our kernel code is done, we'll now build our kernel by running the command below:
the command below:
<sourcesyntaxhighlight lang="bash">
$ zig build
To boot our kernel, simply run this command:
<sourcesyntaxhighlight lang="bash">
$ zig build run
[[Category: Bare bones tutorials]] [[Category:Zig]]

Latest revision as of 16:22, 16 June 2024

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In this tutorial, we'll make a simple hello world kernel in Zig.


First off, you'll need:

  • The Zig compiler, at least version 0.12.0
  • GRUB as our bootloader to boot the kernel


If you done setting up all of the prerequisites above, we can now write some code for our kernel


const std = @import("std");
const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder;
const Target = @import("std").Target;
const CrossTarget = @import("std").zig.CrossTarget;
const Feature = @import("std").Target.Cpu.Feature;

pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
    const features = Target.x86.Feature;

    var disabled_features = Feature.Set.empty;
    var enabled_features = Feature.Set.empty;


    const target = CrossTarget{
        .cpu_arch = Target.Cpu.Arch.i386,
        .os_tag = Target.Os.Tag.freestanding,
        .abi = Target.Abi.none,
        .cpu_features_sub = disabled_features,
        .cpu_features_add = enabled_features

    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});

    const kernel = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "kernel.elf",
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .code_model = .kernel,
    kernel.setLinkerScript(.{ .path = "src/linker.ld" });

    const kernel_step = b.step("kernel", "Build the kernel");

    const iso_dir = b.fmt("{s}/iso_root", .{b.cache_root});
    const kernel_path = b.getInstallPath(kernel.install_step.?.dest_dir, kernel.out_filename);
    const iso_path = b.fmt("{s}/disk.iso", .{b.exe_dir});

    const iso_cmd_str = &[_][]const u8{ 
        "/bin/sh", "-c",
        std.mem.concat(b.allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{
            "mkdir -p ", iso_dir, " && ",
            "cp ", kernel_path, " ", iso_dir, " && ",
            "cp src/grub.cfg ", iso_dir, " && ",
            "grub-mkrescue -o ", iso_path, " ", iso_dir
        }) catch unreachable

    const iso_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(iso_cmd_str);

    const iso_step = b.step("iso", "Build an ISO image");

    const run_cmd_str = &[_][]const u8{
        "-cdrom", iso_path,
        "-debugcon", "stdio",
        "-vga", "virtio",
        "-m", "4G",
        "-machine", "q35,accel=kvm:whpx:tcg",
        "-no-reboot", "-no-shutdown"

    const run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(run_cmd_str);

    const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the kernel");


const console = @import("console.zig");

const ALIGN = 1 << 0;
const MEMINFO = 1 << 1;
const MAGIC = 0x1BADB002;

const MultibootHeader = packed struct {
    magic: i32 = MAGIC,
    flags: i32,
    checksum: i32,

export var multiboot align(4) linksection(".multiboot") = MultibootHeader{
    .flags = FLAGS,
    .checksum = -(MAGIC + FLAGS),

export var stack_bytes: [16 * 1024]u8 align(16) linksection(".bss") = undefined;
const stack_bytes_slice = stack_bytes[0..];

export fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
    @call(.{ .stack = stack_bytes_slice }, kmain, .{});

    while (true) {}

fn kmain() void {
    console.puts("Hello world!");


const fmt = @import("std").fmt;
const Writer = @import("std").io.Writer;

const VGA_WIDTH = 80;
const VGA_HEIGHT = 25;

pub const ConsoleColors = enum(u8) {
    Black = 0,
    Blue = 1,
    Green = 2,
    Cyan = 3,
    Red = 4,
    Magenta = 5,
    Brown = 6,
    LightGray = 7,
    DarkGray = 8,
    LightBlue = 9,
    LightGreen = 10,
    LightCyan = 11,
    LightRed = 12,
    LightMagenta = 13,
    LightBrown = 14,
    White = 15,

var row: usize = 0;
var column: usize = 0;
var color = vgaEntryColor(ConsoleColors.LightGray, ConsoleColors.Black);
var buffer = @as([*]volatile u16, @ptrFromInt(0xB8000));

fn vgaEntryColor(fg: ConsoleColors, bg: ConsoleColors) u8 {
    return @enumToInt(fg) | (@enumToInt(bg) << 4);

fn vgaEntry(uc: u8, new_color: u8) u16 {
    var c: u16 = new_color;

    return uc | (c << 8);

pub fn initialize() void {

pub fn setColor(new_color: u8) void {
    color = new_color;

pub fn clear() void {
    @memset(u16, buffer[0..VGA_SIZE], vgaEntry(' ', color));

pub fn putCharAt(c: u8, new_color: u8, x: usize, y: usize) void {
    const index = y * VGA_WIDTH + x;
    buffer[index] = vgaEntry(c, new_color);

pub fn putChar(c: u8) void {
    putCharAt(c, color, column, row);
    column += 1;
    if (column == VGA_WIDTH) {
        column = 0;
        row += 1;
        if (row == VGA_HEIGHT)
            row = 0;

pub fn puts(data: []const u8) void {
    for (data) |c|

pub const writer = Writer(void, error{}, callback){ .context = {} };

fn callback(_: void, string: []const u8) error{}!usize {
    return string.len;

pub fn printf(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
    fmt.format(writer, format, args) catch unreachable;


A linker script is also needed. This file tells the linker to place our code at the base address of 1M. In general user-space programming, code are placed at much higher areas, but that requires virtual memory to be available, or else only few computers could provide such a large physical memory space.

We also asks the linker to place .multiboot section at first, because the Multiboot specification says that the Multiboot header must be at the first 8KiB of the kernel file.

    . = 1M;
    .multiboot {

    .text : ALIGN(4K) {
    .rodata : ALIGN(4K) {
    .data : ALIGN(4K) {
    .bss : ALIGN(4K) {


Finally, the last thing you need is a GRUB configuration, which tells the GRUB bootloader how to boot our kernel.

menuentry adds a menu entry to the screen. When you press ENTER in the GRUB menu, GRUB will run the commands in the menu block.

multiboot asks GRUB to load our kernel from /boot/kernel.elf, and GRUB automatically runs boot after the menu block, which will fire the boot.

menuentry "Zig Bare Bones" {
	multiboot /boot/kernel.elf


Now that our kernel code is done, we'll now build our kernel by running the command below:

$ zig build

To boot our kernel, simply run this command:

$ zig build run