
Revision as of 11:48, 15 November 2007 by Combuster (talk | contribs) (updates :))
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I'm Marcel Sondaar, aka (Com)Buster (commonly seen without () due to software limitations)

I'm a student (desperately trying to get my diploma) as well as a staff member (Teacher's assistant - giving work colleges) at the Utrecht University. Together with my affinity to computers its probably enough cause to end up running around here trying to help people.

My hobby OS is called MysticOS, which runs currently as a test bed for various useful and the more pointless ideas of mine. Basically its a waste of time rather than a noble attempt at improving the world. Although most of its sources are overcommented and in the public domain for those wanting to learn from it.

As of this writing, I have 13 years of programming experience. My favorite language is BASIC, in which I can do almost anything. Other languages:

  • Assembly (x86, Atmel)
  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Logo
  • Several other specialized languages not worth mentioning

Pages Here

My larger contributions
