Revision as of 13:16, 27 July 2007 by Combuster (talk | contribs) (Re: Illegal?)
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Combuster... i Read the license at that link and though it prohibits writing software for non-Microsoft Operating System's it does not prohibit it's use in Operating System Development. Which part of the license are you Refering to? -- Tyler 11:33, 23 July 2007 (CDT)

4. You cannot use the MASM32 Project to write software for Non-Microsoft Operating Systems. Because an operating system does not run on Windows, it's illegal. --Alboin
Yes... as i said in my original question, and i quote, "it prohibits writing software for non-Microsoft Operating System's". Using it to write an Operating System (at least the Kernel) is not using it to write software for a non-Microsoft Operating System. Clearly no Operating System, is not a Non-Microsoft Operating System, and therefore no problem. -- Tyler 19:53, 24 July 2007 (CDT)
The kernel is a piece of software, and it is part of an operating system. Arguably, you could see the OS as an abstract concept, and the kernel the most basic piece of software for that OS. Besides, you should know from the formulation that they intend to prohibit kernel development with that clause as well, which might be cause for the judge to favor microsoft anyway. Disclaimer: If you want to be sure seek legal council - I'm not a lawyer. Your best bet is still not to use MASM anyway - Combuster 08:16, 27 July 2007 (CDT)