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After the correct cluster has been loaded into memory, the next step is to read and parse all of the entries in it. Each entry is 32 bytes long. For each 32 byte entry this is the flow of execution:
# Does the entry even exist? If the first byte of the entry is equal to 0 or 0xE5 then thethere entryare doesno _not_more exist.files/directories Otherwisein itthis does existdirectory. Yes, goto number 2. No, goto number 7finish.
# Is this entry a long file name entry? If the 11'thfirst byte of the entry equalsis 0x0F,equal thento it0xE5 isthen a long file namethe entry. Otherwise, it is notunused. Yes, goto number 3. No, goto number 49
# Is this entry a long file name entry? If the 11'th byte of the entry equals 0x0F, then it is a long file name entry. Otherwise, it is not. Yes, goto number 4. No, goto number 5.
# Read the portion of the long filename into a temporary buffer. gotoGoto 79.
# Parse the data for this entry using the table from further up on this page. It would be a good idea to save the data for later. Possibly in a virtual file system structure. goto number 57
# Is there a long file name in the temporary buffer? Yes, goto number 6. No, goto 7
# ApplyIs thethere a long file name toin the entrytemporary thatbuffer? youYes, justgoto readnumber and8. clear the temporary buffer.No, goto number 79
# Apply the long file name to the entry that you just read and clear the temporary buffer. goto number 9
# Increment pointers and/or counters and check the next entry. (goto number 1)
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