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(Undo revision 9020 by 04wilsonm (Talk) - Copyright violation: 1:1 copy of http://www.fdos.org/ripcord/rawrite/)
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RawWrite (RAWRITE) is a tool for creating boot disks and other floppy disk images. A windows version called 'Rawwritewin' is available [http://www.chrysocome.net/rawwrite here]
Rawrite and related (floppy) disk imaging programs.

This directory contains the various RaWrite (or similar) programs I have found.
Rawrite and similar are "disk imaging" programs. This page is primarily for floppy diskette image manipulation programs, however I will also include other imaging programs (such as for hard drives) as I find them or people let me know of them.
My goal is to maintain a comprehensive listing, or at least a thorough enough one that people can find the right program for their needs. See also Wikilearn's Rawrite section. This does not include all possible versions (as I have seen newer binary releases of rawrite than any of these sources for rawrite.c); when possible sources are also here.

[[Category:Disk Image Utilities]]
A disk image is a file which contains the full contents of the specified disk in a single file; the contents are generally read as raw sectors so all data including partition information (FAT), boot sector, along with actual directory entries and files are copied to the image. An image file is specific to a particular format, so a 1.44MB image should be written to a 1.44MB floppy diskette and 1.2MB image should be written to a 1.2MB floppy diskette. However, some programs may support cross diskette writing (i.e. 1.2MB disk image to a 1.4MB disk drive) and hard drive images can often (though really depends on what the used program supports) be written to hard drives of the same or larger size [possibly adjusting data to resize partition and take advantage of additional size]. A disk image is different from an archive [zip/arj/etc.] as it contains a snapshot (or image) of the contents and does not differentiate between OS data (FAT/etc.) and user data (particular files/directories/etc.); which are not generally accessible until written back to a disk; and use different means to access the data bypassing the OS's filesystem layer; also a diskimage will generally produce identical disk copies, whereas archives generally are equivalent to copying the files to a new diskette. See http://www.rundegren.com/software/floppyimage/faq/ for additional information about disk images.

This page being reviewed and updated, links to local copies may not work yet. Please feel free to send me (jeremyd@computer.org) additional information about included items, information about not yet included items, or any suggestions or corrections. Be sure to include 'rawrite' some where in your subject line or I will never see your message.

[Note: I make no claim over the usability or compilability of any program listed here. Some I have I tried, none have I compiled.]

Please, if you find any content here that should not be available or you (copyright holder) wish to be removed, send me an email including rawrite in subject [to get pass my email filters] so I may remove it as soon as feasible! Because sites come and go, and I do not have the time nor desire to constantly check links, most archives are also available from here -- please try the home site first, as important updates may be available. Thank you, and as some programs do not have a clear license statement, I apologize in advance to any copyright owners who do not want their material available here.
Basic Usage (Rawrite):

Depending on the exact version, the output and command line support may vary, i.e. not work
and follow the prompts, -or-

MS-DOS prompt> RAWRITE [-f <file>] [-d <drive>] [-n(owait)] [-h(elp)]
where: -f <file> - name of disk image file
-d <drive> - diskette drive to use, must be A or B
-n - don't prompt for user to insert diskette
-h - print usage information to stdout

The diskette must be formatted or rawrite will not work.
The contents of the disk do not matter and will be overwritten.

When ran interactively (without command line options) you will be prompted for the disk image filename (you must remember this as there is no file chooser). You will also be prompted for the target/destination drive, either A or B for A: or B: respectively.
Basic Usage (FDImage):

fdimage is an updated DOS program meant to replace rawrite. It does not require a pre-formatted floppy diskette.
FDIMAGE - Write disk image to floppy disk
Version 1.5 Copyright (c) 1996-7 Robert Nordier

Usage: fdimage [-dqsv] [-f size] [-r count] file drive

-d Debug mode
-f size Specify the floppy disk format by capacity, eg:
160K, 180K, 320K, 360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M, 2.88M
-q Quick mode: don't format the disk
-r count Retry count for format/write operations
-s Single-sector I/O
-v Verbose
Common extensions:

Below are common extensions associated with disk image files. While there is no strict rule, generally uncompressed, full length, raw diskette image files are noted as rawrite compatible [RW] and can be used by all programs that manipulate disk images. However, some programs may be limited to 1.44MB or other size images. Various programs support modified image files to reduce the size of the image, including compression (zip, gzip, rle, ...) and truncation of unused (blank) portions.
PC compatible floppy image files:
BIN - [RW] a binary file, context should indicate if an image file
CFI - Compressed Floppy Image, defined and used by DOS based FDCOPY; see CFI spec from LibDsk
DAT - [RW] a binary data file, context should indicate if an image file
DCF - Disk Copy Fast image file
DDI - DiskDupe files, for file extraction unddi104.zip (GPL) http://www.ii.pw.edu.pl/~borkowsm/unddi.htm
DMF - a raw image, but for a specially formatted size (1.68MB or 1.72MB)
DSK - [RW] may be a raw image, may also be other incompatible disk[ette] image format
FDD - [RW] floppy disk image
FLP - [RW] a raw floppy diskette image file
FS - [RW] File System image (for NetBSD), also .fs.gz when gzip compressed
.gz - a gzip compressed [image] file; usable by memdisk
IMG - [RW] usually a raw disk[ette] image file
IMA - [RW] a raw disk image file
IMZ - a Zip compatible compressed image file; directly usable by winimage; Or a bzip2 compressed when using FloppyImage.
VFD - [RW] Virtual Floppy Disk, a raw diskette image native to VmWare, also used by vfd (Virtual Floppy Driver for Win32)
XDF - eXtended Density Format by Roger Ivey
Other floppy image files:
DMK - TRS-80 diskette image, see http://discover-net.net/~dmkeil/trs80/trstech.htm#Technical-DMK-disks for the DMK specification
DQK - CPCEMU DSK image file compressed with Richard Greenlaw's Squeeze (SQ or NSWP)
FDI - floppy disk image, in particular FDI format created by Vincent "ApH" Joguin, see fdi2raw.zip
Other disk (not floppy) image files:
ISO - an ISO 9660 compatible CD-ROM image file, more generally any CD-ROM image file
PQI - a PowerQuest (now Symantec) Image file

DskImage: OSPlus Disk Imager (read & write images) for DOS or if you run Win32 then RawWriteWin is great. FreeDOS diskcopy is also a good alternative.
Disk Image Libraries
LibDsk (GPL, source) "a library for accessing discs and disc image files" supporting many operating systems, including DOS, Windows (Win16 and Win32), and Linux, supports various image formats (including rawrite compatible ones), http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Unix/LibDsk/
Winimage (see commercial section below) also provides a SDK for manipulating disk images on Windows
dmklib (GPL, source) "a library to manipulate DMK disk image files", http://dmklib.brouhaha.com/
For DOS:
rawrite (rawrite.c) is just here for completeness, as it may be needed for someone. (documentation - rawrite.doc)
rawrite2 (rawrite2.c) should be the fastest (documentation - rawrite2.doc)
rawrite3 (rawrite3.c) should work if rawrite2 fails for some reason (documentation - rawrite3.doc)
fdimage Write disk image to floppy disk (included with FreeBSD to supercede rawrite)
Rawrite mirrors:
Tux.org - http://www.tux.org/pub/dos/rawrite/
'Archiving Floppy Disks Using Images' - http://sharkysoft.com/tutorials/linuxtips/floppyimages/ (rawrite2)
Redhat's 'Using the rawrite Utility' - http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.1-Manual/alpha-install-guide/s1-makediskette-rawrite.html
dskcpy (source) FreeDOS diskcopy with support for reading/writing disk images [rawwrite compatible or min size] http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/diskcopy/ (DR-DOS diskcopy also supports image files)
DskImage (GPL, source) has a nice TUI (windowed text user interface with status) [read or write disk images] http://www.osplus.co.uk/
fdvol (fdvol.c) seems like a good alternative to rawrite, found at http://www.cs.vu.nl/pub/minix/CD-ROM-2.0/
WImage TP6 source Write Diskette to file / Read Diskette from file - Ver 1.21, part of FDFormat (for formating 1.68MB floppies under DOS) from Simtel, assume license matches FDFormat - free for personal and education use and can redistribute modified versions assuming properly documented as such
xdisk (free for personal use only) Example program (dosutil\Xdisk.c) by Dave Dunfield for Micro-C/PC (see http://www.dunfield.com to obtain)
di (no source) DiskImager v1.1 Copyright Port Jackson Computing, 286+, FreeWare, 1.44MB floppies only, can create SelF-eXtracting (EXE) Imagefiles, reads/writes
Extract (no source) freeware cmd line disk image file extractor/creater from the author of WinImage (see commercial section below) for DOS/Win32 http://www.winimage.com/extract.htm
firm (no source) obtain from msdos/Simtel/diskutil, v2.31, "a simple to use DOS Floppy image reader/maker"
Image (v1.1, no source) http://www.dpaehl.de.cx or http://dpaehl.notrix.de, copyright by Dirk Paehl Deutschland, freeware, creates images from disk drives for use on bootable CDs.
teledisk (no source) shareware
wrtdsk (no source) careware image writing progam, found at http://www.cs.vu.nl/pub/minix/dosutil/
(no source) see http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/fdimage.zip for a "collection of Free and/or Public Domain Floppy diskette Imaging/Catalog system utilities for Boot and/or Data diskettes"...
sfx144 is a self-extractor stub for disk images to make them self writing (no rawrite needed)
raread compliment to rawrite, this can be used to create disk images for use with rawrite
Also have a look at http://sac-ftp.externet.hu/ in the utildisk section as there seems to be several disk image related utilities (especially in the 'D's), not sure about their license info.
others (mentioned in winimage docs, info welcome):
CopyVit from Sebastien Chatard
Super-DiskCopy from Super Software
Disk-RW from K. Hartnegg
For Windows:
Bootset based on NTRawrite, uses set file to specify images to write[or read] so can easily create boot diskette sets, source included http://www.objectdesigngroup.com/bootset/
imgtool (GPL, source) graphical frontend for rawrite (rawrite exe included) originally found at http://www.nextgeneration.dk/software/imgtool.shtml
NTRawrite written as replacement for rawrite3 for NT (command line) http://ntrawrite.sourceforge.net/
Rawrite32 (rawr32src.NetBSD.zip) The NetBSD disk image writing tool version Get from a NetBSD mirror, ftp://ftp.###.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/arch/i386/rawrite32/
rawritent should work under NT (command line)
rawwritewin has a nice GUI interface and should work with NT4/NT5/NTXP/9x/Me http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/rawwrite.htm (recommended for Win32 users). Also available here is dd for Windows.
Compaq Diskette Image Utility (v1.00, no source) http://h18013.www1.hp.com/manage/remote-lightsout-newvirtdrive.html or ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp10501-11000/sp10777.exe, free but intended for use with Compaq's 'Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition, license only permits local redistribution; for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000; "This utility can be used for creating diskette image files for using with the Virtual Floppy Drive feature of the Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition."
DiskWrite (v1.02 self extracting zip) supports 360KB through 2.88MB images, MD5 checksum for image validation (GPL, source) http://www.disoriented.com/diskwrite/
DImage (v1.0.2, no source), http://members.evolt.org/deadL0ck/dimageustxt.html free for personal use (and small businesses, less than 10 employees), MSDOS 4.0+ or Win 9X/NT/2000, "This program is intended to make backup copies of floppies to files and makes it possible to create floppies from such files. This makes it possible to put a lot of diskettes on a CD etc. or to upload a diskette to the web. The program reads the floppy sector by sector so the boot sector will also be copied. Thought it have not been testet it should also be possible to make backups of small hard drives too."
EMT (no source) [ARDI, EMT4Win, EMT4PM, supersedes DSK4Win and DSK4PM], free but not shareware nor freeware -- may be used freely but may only be obtained from author. http://dvalot.free.fr/emtcopy.htm Various text versions support DOS, Windows, OS/2, and Linux. GUI versions for Windows and OS/2.
Floppy Image Creator (Freeware v1.4.1, no source) http://www.geocities.com/johnno_ann/, Windows 95/98/Me/NT (2000/XP untested), "This program allows you to make an exact image of a floppy disk and save it to a file, and of course restore the image to disk when ever required. It is especially useful for making backups of system and/or boot disks. It will handle all the standard format floppys (IE: 360Kb 5.25", 720Mb 3.5", 1.2Mb 5.25" and 1.44Mb 3.5"). You also have the option of including a description of the disk with the image."
mfmt (source) MS Windows PSDK sample, NT only, http://www.microsoft.com
diskwriter (no source) a small utility to write disk image files to a floppy disk http://www.daansystems.com (Under Free stuff)
NBL DiskDuplicator (no source) Classic v1.2, FreeWare Version [license: NBLlic12.txt] http://www.northbeachlabs.com/ See also current commercial version below.
Virtual Floppy Image Converter (no source) (Japanese) http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/util/se151106.html, see specifically http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/dl/win95/util/se151106.html (vf011010.zip) free for personal (non-business), Windows 95/98/NT4/2000, Primary purpose is to "change various disk images into the various forms." Has a plugin architecture to support various disk image formats.
Note: all the programs listed under DOS section may also work [eg rawrite3 has worked for me under NT4/9x].
Unix (and BeOS, QNX?) systems:

Use dd, which should be provided with your distribution. man dd for usage help. (FreeBSD (www.freebsd.org) dd sources included)
dd if=image.flp of=/dev/fd0
if specifies input file and of specifies output file
where /dev/fd0 is the first floppy drive (same as A:) or you may wish to use /dev/fd1 for the second floppy drive (same as B:), though actual device names may vary with the particular Unix System or other Posix compatible OS and image.flp is the filename of the raw image file.
Other options to dd may indicate sector size and count of sectors sized chunks to read/write.
rawrite (no source) native OS/2 rawrite and raread binaries (also includes a DOS variant that can be used under DOS, Windows, and OS/2), http://www.tavi.co.uk/os2pages/rawrite.html
loaddf (no source) SaveDskF.exe and LoadDskF.exe can read or write (respectively) images to floppies, http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/disk/loaddf.zip copyrighted IBM, YOU MUST AGREE TO included LICENSE.TXT before 1st use
pmdcopy (no source) http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/disk/pmdcopy.zip copyright J.R.Shannon 20/5/93
Apple (Apple II, MacOS, OS X):
Someone who knows of any please let me know! Thanks. jeremyd@computer.org
file2dsk writes images to disk for Atari TOS (source, doc, executable)

(Trial versions, when available, can be found in trial\ subdirectory)
Please see contents of these archives for their usage (license information) and abide by them.
DF (Disk Image File Utility) dosdf.zip
from Mark Vitt (shareware, no source), DOS, original site unknown
Disk Copy Fast v5.3 DCF53.ZIP
Disk Copy Pro is the professional version of Disk Copy Fast
see http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dcf_hdcp/dcf.htm (Shareware, non-commercial $20, commercial $40 US, not sure if registration address/prices still correct)
Site seems no longer available, search for "disk copy fast" to find or try http://www.filelibrary.com/ in the DOS Disk Utilities.
DOS program. Powerful 1-pass diskette duplication utility. VERY fast. Support DMF, XDF, selected FDFORMAT, 800KB, MAC HD and standard formats. Support PS/2. Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for backup or multiple target; Mouse support; Format diskcopy diskcomp all in 1 pass; Use extended memory; Image file; On-line help
see http://www.msd1.com/floppy/ddinfo.htm [CopyPro, Inc.] (Lite version $29, Standard $79, Pro $179, AutoPro $429 US)
see also http://hallogram.com/diskdupe/ [HALLoGRAM Publishing] (DiskDupe Pro $179 US)
DOS and Windows 9x (does not work under NT)
The home site seems defunct, last I tried in 2002 its trial download form had errors, and now in 2004 the site seems gone.
To get 5.1 trial version, search for DSKDUP51.ZIP for DOS version or search for ddwt5139.zip for Windows 3.1/9x version.
EZ-DiskCopy Pro v3.30g (DOS) ezcpypro.zip and WinDisKlone v98A (Win16) wdsklone.zip
see http://www.ezx.com/ezcp.htm (available for purchase but unsupported, single user edition $99.99 US)
see http://www.ezx.com/wdk.htm (available for purchase but unsupported, single user edition $49.99 US)
EZ-DiskCopy PRO: High Speed Professional Diskette Duplicator for DOS and Windows (DOS Compatibility Mode).
WinDisKlone: One-pass disk copy "machine" for Windows 95 & 3.1x (16bit).
Floppy Image by Anders Rundegren v2.2.5 FloppyImage.zip
see http://www.rundegren.com/software/floppyimage/ (exe setup also available), $15 Personal, $35 business (v1.5.2 freeware, see http://www.woundedmoon.org/win32/floppyimage.html)
Supports Windows 98/Me and Windows NT 4/2000/XP (no source)
"Create image files of floppy disks and back (for backup, storage or transfer). Save the image file compressed, uncompressed or as a self-extracting exe. Add descriptions to or convert your old image files. The self-extracting exe can be fully customized with a picture, license agreement dialog and a text with instructions. Full support for drag-n-drop." See included documentation for more details, including license information.
see http://www.grsoftware.net/disk/software/grduw.html (personal license $39 US)
Windows (95,98,Me) disk image software
Shareware version currently unavailable for download.
NBL DiskDuplicator v1.9
see http://www.northbeachlabs.com/ (electronic upgrade $9.95 full $24.95, retail upgrade $14.95 full $34.95 US)
Windows program for reading/writing (duplicating) disks
Note: v1.2 classic version is also available for free, see above Windows section
SAB Diskette Utility v2.92 sabdu292.zip
see http://www.saberman.com/SABDU/index.htm shareware ($20 home use, +$7.50 for diskette, $30 business singe cpu)
Sabdu by Stewart A. Berman, Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) member
Windows 3.x, Format/copy/compare/save floppy diskette images in foreground or background. Convert diskette image formats while preserving boot and reserve sectors.
Undisker undisker11.exe
see http://www.undisker.com ($29 US)
Win32 with support for floppy disk images along with ISO and hard drive images
WinImage 6.0 winima60.exe self extracting zip file (recommended)
see http://www.winimage.com (standard version currently $30 US)
WinImage for Win32 with many nice features including support for compressed images and even ability to extract individual files from images
X-Ways Replica (DOS) and WinHex (Windows)
see http://www.winhex.com/replica.html
Disk cloning and disk imaging. X-Ways Replica is only available as part of Evidor or to owners of WinHex Specialist license.
Gemulator Explorer gemxplor.zip
see http://www.emulators.com/explorer.htm (free)
Win32 utility that allows reading of Atari St and Mac disks, also supports reading and writing of disk images.
Requires ASPI drivers to access SCSI and CD-ROM drives.
see http://www.aladdinsys.com/shrinkwrap/features.html ($30 US)
Apple OS 7.1.1 or higher
Accessing images as virtual filesystems

Useful for creating or modifying disk images, or simply to access the contents without writing them to a disk
VFD (GPL, source) Win32 Virtual Floppy Driver, http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/index.html#top
Fakedisk (GPL, source included) Disk image file emulator, supports mounting disk images (dsk, ddi, and xdf) under DOS, found at http://sac-ftp.externet.hu/utildisk7.html
DF-IFS (shareware, no source) DOS utility to mount images as drives (see DF above in commercial section)
Daemon Tools http://www.daemon-tools.cc/, an excellent program for mounting ISO images on Win32, freeware for Personal use else one must register.
SHSUCDX http://www.shsu.edu/~csc_jhm/ includes a TSR to mount ISO images within DOS, free with source (also available as part of FreeDOS)
Partition Imagers:
Partition Saving 2.40 (savepart.zip) DOS
see http://perso.club-internet.fr/guiboure/en/index_frame.html (free, no source)
Requires a 386+, 4+MB RAM, DOS (>= 3.3) boot disk with ability to write to another location for saving the partition data.
GNU Parted (parted-1.6.3.tar.gz) Linux
see http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/ (free with source under GNU GPL v2)
Requires Linux 2.0 or higher (using GNU libc 2.1 or higher) with libuuid, and for some optional portions GNU Readline, GNU gettext, and libreisefs
generally should be compiled for your system and/or placed on a boot disk that supports your hardware (ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parted/bootdisk/partboot.img)
Partition Image (partimage-0.6.1.tar.bz2) Linux/Unix, available on boot disk and bootable CD
see http://www.partimage.org/index.php3 (free with source under GNU GPL v2)
and for downloading files see http://www.partimage.org/download.php3
"... saves partitions in many formats to an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied on removable floppies (ZIP for example), ..."
Supported file systems include FAT16/32, HPFS, ReiserFS, ext2fs/ext3fs, NTFS, JFS, XFS, HFS, UFS
Only copies data from used portions of the partition (unlike dd)
PowerQuest Drive Image 2002 (trial version available on their site) Win32/DOS
see http://www.powerquest.com/driveimage/ (single PC license $69.95 US, enterprise solutions also available)
Supports* Windows NT XP/2000/4, 95/98/Me, and DOS
(* older versions ran from DOS boot disks with Windows like GUI, current versions can also handle non-system partitions directly in Windows)
see also their Partition Magic product for resizing/creating/etc partitions

If your Platform is not listed here, then feel free to send me some email with information about rawrite type programs (that are free to use & distribute) for me to add here. Also please let me know if you know of others or have any additional information to add to this document. I will also include information on commercial programs and trial versions if available.

Thank you,

Michael Wilson

Thanks to Jeremy Davis for Tutorial, all credit goes to him.

Revision as of 16:46, 23 September 2009

RawWrite (RAWRITE) is a tool for creating boot disks and other floppy disk images. A windows version called 'Rawwritewin' is available here

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