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*** system halting ***
Thanks go to Shikhin Sethi. His mini bootloader was a great inspiration and the code is a direct reimplementation of his work under the terms of GPLv3. See [[https://github.com/Shikhin/Tart]] for his work, which comes under a less restrictive license.
Thanks also go to Michal Dominiak (Griwes) for patiently answering question on IRC.

Revision as of 15:31, 13 January 2013

This page is a work in progress.
This page may thus be incomplete. Its content may be changed in the near future.


This is a tutorial on bare-metal [OS] development on the Raspberry Pi. This tutorial is written specifically for the Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2 because the author has no other hardware to test on. But so far the models are basically identical for the purpose of this tutorial (Rev 1 has 256MB ram, Model A has no ethernet).

This is the authors very first ARM system and we learn as we write without any prior knowledge about arm. Experience in Linux/Unix (very important) and C/C++ language (incredibly important, including how to use inline asm) is assumed and required.


You will need a:

  • Raspberry Pi, RPi in short.
  • SD Card to boot from.
  • A SD Card reader so you can write to the SD Card from your developement system.
  • A serial adaptor for the RPi.
  • Power from an external power supply, usb or the serial adaptor.
  • Debian, or other *nix with arm-binutils [guide will document installation for Debian]
  • A copy of the ARM ARM (ARM Architecture Reference Manual) (download a PDF, I'm using the one for ARMv6 and not the newer ARMv7 one because RPi only has an ARMv6 cpu)

Serial adaptor

The RPi has 2 serials. A basic UART for console/debug output (UART0) and a full featured serial (UART1). This tutorial only concerns itself with UART0, called simply UART or serial port. UART1 is ignored from now on. The basic UART onboard uses a 3.3V TTL and is connected to some of the GPIO pins labeled "P1" on the board. x86 PCs and MACs do use 5V TTL so you need some adaptor to convert the TTL. I recommend a USB to TTL Serial Cable - Debug / Console Cable for Raspberry Pi with seperate connectors per lead, like commercial RPi serial adaptor. Which is then connected to the RPi like this.

Note: The serial adaptor I use provides both a 0V and 5V lead (black and red) which provide power to the RPi. No extra power supply is needed besides this.


Testing your hardware/serial port

First things first, you're going to want to make sure all your hardware works. Connect your serial adaptor to the RPi and boot up the official Raspian image. The boot process will output to both the serial and the HDMI and will start a getty on the serial. Set up your serial port, however yours works, and open up minicom. Make sure you have flow control turned off. Ensure you can run at 115200 baud, 8N1, which is what the RPi uses.

If you get 'Permission Denied' do NOT become root! This is unnecessary. Instead do:

sudo adduser <user> dialout

This will let your user use serial ports without needing root.

Or do ls -l /dev/ttyS* to find out the group that own the device, then add you into that group under /etc/group (normally the group is uucp)

If you started minicom only after the RPi has booted then simply press return in minicom so the getty will output a fresh login prompt. Otherwise wait for the boot messages to appear. If you don't get any output then connect the RPi to a monitor to check that it actually boots, check your connections and minicom settings.

Building a cross compiler

Like me you are probably using a x86 PC as main machine and want to edit and compile the source on that and the RPi is an ARM cpu so you absoluetly need a cross compiler. But even if you are developing on an ARM system it is still a good idea to build a cross compiler to avoid accidentally mixing stuff from your developement system with your own kernel. Follow the steps from [GCC_Cross-Compiler] to build your own cross compiler but use:

export TARGET=arm-none-eabi

Now we are ready to start.

Bare minimum kernel

Lets start with a minimum of 4 files. The kernel is going to use a subset of C++, meaning C++ without exceptions and without runtime types. The main function will be in main.cc. Before the main function can be called though some things have to be set up using assembly. This will be placed in boot.S. On top of that we also need a linker script and a Makefile to build the kernel and need to create an include directory for later use.


/* main.cc - the entry point for the kernel */

extern "C" {
    void kernel_main(void);

void kernel_main(void) {



/* boot.S - assembly startup code */

// To keep this in the first portion of the binary.

// Make Start global.
.globl Start

// Entry point for the kernel.
// r15 -> should begin execution at 0x8000.
	// Setup the stack.
	mov	sp, #0x8000

	// FIXME: Clear out bss.

	// Call kernel_main
	bl	kernel_main

	// halt
	b	halt


* link-arm-eabi.ld - linker script for arm eabi */

    /* Starts at LOADER_ADDR. */
    .text 0x8000 :
    _text_start = .;
    _start = .;
    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    _text_end = .;
    _rodata_start = .;
    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    _rodata_end = .;
    .data :
    _data_start = .;
    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    _data_end = .;
    .bss :
    _bss_start = .;
        bss = .;
    . = ALIGN(4096); /* align to page size */
    _bss_end = .;
    _end = .;


# Makefile - build script */

# build environment
PREFIX ?= /usr/local/cross
ARMGNU ?= $(PREFIX)/bin/arm-none-eabi

# source files
SOURCES_ASM := $(wildcard *.S)
SOURCES_CC  := $(wildcard *.cc)

# object files
OBJS        := $(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(SOURCES_ASM))
OBJS        += $(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(SOURCES_CC))

# Build flags
INCLUDES    := -I include
BASEFLAGS   := -O2 -fpic -pedantic -pedantic-errors -nostdlib
BASEFLAGS   += -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -nodefaultlibs
BASEFLAGS   += -fno-builtin -fomit-frame-pointer -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s
WARNFLAGS   := -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings
WARNFLAGS   += -Wredundant-decls -Winline
WARNFLAGS   += -Wno-attributes -Wno-deprecated-declarations
WARNFLAGS   += -Wno-div-by-zero -Wno-endif-labels -Wfloat-equal
WARNFLAGS   += -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-extra-args -Winit-self
WARNFLAGS   += -Winvalid-pch -Wmissing-format-attribute
WARNFLAGS   += -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wno-multichar
WARNFLAGS   += -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow
WARNFLAGS   += -Wno-sign-compare -Wswitch -Wsystem-headers -Wundef
WARNFLAGS   += -Wno-pragmas -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter
WARNFLAGS   += -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-result
WARNFLAGS   += -Wwrite-strings -Wdisabled-optimization -Wpointer-arith
WARNFLAGS   += -Werror
CXXFLAGS    += -fno-exceptions -std=c++0x

# build rules
all: kernel.img

include $(wildcard *.d)

kernel.elf: $(OBJS) link-arm-eabi.ld
	$(ARMGNU)-ld $(OBJS) -Tlink-arm-eabi.ld -o $@

kernel.img: kernel.elf
	$(ARMGNU)-objcopy kernel.elf -O binary kernel.img

	$(RM) -f $(OBJS) kernel.elf kernel.img

dist-clean: clean
	$(RM) -f *.d

# C++.
%.o: %.cc Makefile
	$(ARMGNU)-g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# AS.
%.o: %.S Makefile
	$(ARMGNU)-g++ $(ASFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

And there you go. Try building it. A minimum kernel that does absolutely nothing.

Hello World kernel

Lets make the kernel do something. Lets say hello to the world using the serial port.


/* main.cc - the entry point for the kernel */

#include <uart.h>

extern "C" {
    void kernel_main(void);

const char hello[] = "\n\rHello World\n\r";
const char halting[] = "\n\r*** system halting ***";

void kernel_main(void) {
    const char *p = hello;
    while(*p) {

    // Wait a bit
    for(volatile int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) { }

    p = halting;
    while(*p) {


/* mmio.h - access to MMIO registers */

#ifndef MMIO_H
#define MMIO_H

#include <stdint.h>

namespace MMIO {
    // write to MMIO register
    static inline void write(uint32_t reg, uint32_t data) {
	uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)reg;
	asm volatile("str %[data], [%[reg]]"
		     : : [reg]"r"(ptr), [data]"r"(data));

    // read from MMIO register
    static inline uint32_t read(uint32_t reg) {
	uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)reg;
	uint32_t data;
	asm volatile("ldr %[data], [%[reg]]"
		     : [data]"=r"(data) : [reg]"r"(ptr));
	return data;

#endif // #ifndef MMIO_H


/* uart.h - UART initialization & communication */

#ifndef UART_H
#define UART_H

#include <stdint.h>

namespace UART {
     * Transmit a byte via UART0.
     * uint8_t Byte: byte to send.
    void putc(uint8_t byte);

     * Receive a byte via UART0.
     * Returns:
     * uint8_t: byte received.
    uint8_t getc(void);

#endif // #ifndef UART_H


/* uart.cc - UART initialization & communication */

#include <stdint.h>
#include <mmio.h>
#include <uart.h>

namespace UART {
    enum {
	// The base address for MMIO for UART.
	UART0_BASE = 0x20201000,

	// The offsets for reach register for the UART.
	UART0_DR     = (UART0_BASE + 0x00),
	UART0_RSRECR = (UART0_BASE + 0x04),
	UART0_FR     = (UART0_BASE + 0x18),
	UART0_ILPR   = (UART0_BASE + 0x20),
	UART0_IBRD   = (UART0_BASE + 0x24),
	UART0_FBRD   = (UART0_BASE + 0x28),
	UART0_LCRH   = (UART0_BASE + 0x2C),
	UART0_CR     = (UART0_BASE + 0x30),
	UART0_IFLS   = (UART0_BASE + 0x34),
	UART0_IMSC   = (UART0_BASE + 0x38),
	UART0_RIS    = (UART0_BASE + 0x3C),
	UART0_MIS    = (UART0_BASE + 0x40),
	UART0_ICR    = (UART0_BASE + 0x44),
	UART0_DMACR  = (UART0_BASE + 0x48),
	UART0_ITCR   = (UART0_BASE + 0x80),
	UART0_ITIP   = (UART0_BASE + 0x84),
	UART0_ITOP   = (UART0_BASE + 0x88),
	UART0_TDR    = (UART0_BASE + 0x8C),

     * Transmit a byte via UART0.
     * uint8_t Byte: byte to send.
    void putc(uint8_t byte) {
	while(true) {
	    if (!(MMIORead(UART0_FR) & (1 << 5))) {
	MMIOWrite(UART0_DR, byte);

     * Receive a byte via UART0.
     * Returns:
     * uint8_t: byte received.
    uint8_t getc(void) {
	while(true) {
	    if (!(MMIORead(UART0_FR) & (1 << 4))) {
	return MMIORead(UART0_DR);

Booting the kernel

Do you still have the SD card with the original raspian image on it from when you where testing the hardware above? Great. So you already have a SD card with a boot partition and the required files. If not then download one of the original raspberry boot images and copy them to the SD card.

Now mount the first partition from the SD card and look at it:

bootcode.bin  fixup.dat     kernel.img            start.elf
cmdline.txt   fixup_cd.dat  kernel_cutdown.img    start_cd.elf
config.txt    issue.txt     kernel_emergency.img

Simplified when the RPi powers up the ARM cpu is halted and the GPU runs. The GPU loads the bootloader from rom and executes it. That then finds the SD card and loads the bootcode.bin. The bootcode handles the config.txt and cmdline.txt (or does start.elf read that?) and then runs start.elf. start.elf loads the kernel.img and at last the ARM cpu is started running that kernel image.

So now we replace the original kernel.img with out own, umount, sync, stick the SD card into RPi and turn the power on. Your minicom should then show the following:

Hello World                                                                     
*** system halting ***