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Kernel Designs
Other Concepts

In this tutorial we will compile a simple Ada kernel and boot it.

WAIT! Have you read Getting Started, Beginner Mistakes, and some of the related OS theory?


This tutorial is based on my multiboot kernel which I developed some time ago and placed on my site [1] and will also be the basis for my own kernel TAMP.

One of the first things people ask on the Ada IRC channel on Freenode is "Can Ada be used for OS development?" to which the answer is a resounding yes. But there are 2 problems:

  1. The people asking this question are new to Ada, and
  2. GNAT is not the easiest compiler to build.

Therefore these users don't understand what it takes to get the compiler into a useable state.

As you may have seen from other bare bones tutorials on this site, they state that you must have a compiler built which can handle ELF files, the usual way is by building GCC which targets i386-elf or some other similar architecture. The problem here is that GNAT will not build for these targets out of the box without messing with it's makefile. You have to do this as the makefile builds the RTS and then the gnat tools (gnatmake, gnatbind, et al).

So, for this tutorial, we will use the system GNAT compiler to build for i386 and later I will show how to build an arm-elf compiler and tools. I am on Debian testing 64-bit with GNAT 4.6.

GNAT and the Ada runtime system (RTS)

For this kernel we will be configuring a zero footprint RTS profile. This basically means, we have a compiler, tools and not much else.

Directory structure

We need a place to structure this kernel,

mkdir -p bare_bones/src/pc
cd bare_bones
mkdir -p rts/boards/i386/adalib
mkdir -p rts/boards/i386/adainclude
mkdir -p rts/src
mkdir -p obj

RTS files to copy

You will need to copy the following files from your compiler's RTS directory into rts/src and then create symbolic links from them to rts/boards/<arch>/adainclude where your arch is i386 or arm, etc.

N.B: You need to modify the location where these files are copied from, I've just used the location from my machine, which is most likely different to yours.

for f in "" "" "" "" "" "" "s-atacco.adb" "" "" "s-stoele.adb" ""
cp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/adainclude/$f rts/src/
ln -s `pwd`/rts/src/$f `pwd`/rts/boards/i386/adainclude/$f



This file in the root directory of the build tells GNAT there are some configuration pragmas to apply to the build. These pragmas can also be placed at the start of your custom (see below), but we'll place them here for now.

What these do is to tell GNAT how much of the RTS we can use in our kernel, which is not a lot really.

pragma Discard_Names;
pragma Normalize_Scalars;
pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation);
pragma Restrictions (No_Finalization);
--  Use pragma Restrictions (No_Tasking) instead?
pragma Restrictions (Max_Tasks => 0);
pragma Restrictions (No_Protected_Types);
pragma Restrictions (No_Delay);
--  pragma Restrictions (No_Floating_Point);
pragma Restrictions (No_Recursion);
pragma Restrictions (No_Allocators);
pragma Restrictions (No_Dispatch);
pragma Restrictions (No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code);
pragma Restrictions (No_Secondary_Stack);


In Ada, the compiler generates strings for various data types, e.g. enumerations, these strings can then be used in I/O.

type Fruit is (Orange, Banana, Apple);
--  Ada defines the following strings, "Orange", "Banana" and "Apple" in an array.

--  These strings can be accessed using the 'Image attribute, as in
Put (Fruit'Image (Orange));
--  Prints "Orange" to the console.


Forces all scalars to be initialised, se the latest GNAT RM:Normalize_Scalars for more information.











Every Ada program must have access to the System package, this essentially tells the compiler what kind of hardware we are building for, therefore there will be 1 file per architecture your kernel supports.

Copy a from GCC that matches the target you are working with, in our case this is gcc-<version>/gcc/ada/, name it and place it into rts/boards/i386/ we need to edit this a bit.

We don't need to change anything from the top as all the integer sizes should be correct. Go to the private part of the spec and change the following values:

  1. Command_Line_Args => False
  2. Configurable_Run_Time => True
  3. Exit_Status_Supported => False
  4. Stack_Check_Probes => False
  5. Suppress_Standard_Library => True
  6. ZCX_By_Default => False
  7. GCC_ZCX_Support => False

For more information on these options, see gcc-<version>/gcc/ada/

Last chance handler

When you start to write and compile Ada using this custom environment, the compiler will automatically place calls from the runtime into your final binary (this is what the compiler normally does, but we've restricted it a lot). One of these calls is to Last_Chance_Handler so create 2 new files and place into rts/boards/<arch>/adainclude, as follows.

with System;

procedure Last_Chance_Handler
  (Source_Location : System.Address; Line : Integer);
pragma Export (C, Last_Chance_Handler, "__gnat_last_chance_handler");


procedure Last_Chance_Handler
  (Source_Location : System.Address; Line : Integer) is
   pragma Unreferenced (Source_Location, Line);
   --  TODO: Add in code to dump the info to serial/screen which
   --  is obviously board specific.
   end loop;
end Last_Chance_Handler;

As you can see, the meat of the handler is actualy a null loop at the moment, this is something you need to complete for your OS kernel and also, per platform.

Compiling the runtime

Create a file called gnat.gpr and copy the following into it:

library project gnat is
   type Arch_Name is ("i386", "arm");
   type Board_Name is ("pc", "rpi");

   Arch  : Arch_Name  := "i386";
   Board : Board_Name := external ("Board");

   case Board is
      when "pc" =>
         Arch := "i386";
      when "rpi" =>
         Arch  := "arm";
   end case;

   for Source_Dirs use ("rts/boards/" & Arch & "/adainclude");
   for Object_Dir use "obj"; --"rts/boards/" & Arch & "/adalib";

   package Builder is
      Basic_Switches := ("-gnat2005", "-g", "-x", "-a", "-gnatg");

      case Board is
         when "pc" =>
            for Default_Switches ("Ada") use Basic_Switches &
               ("-m32", "-march=i386");
         when "rpi" =>
            for Default_Switches ("Ada") use Basic_Switches &
               ("-march=armv6zk", "-mfpu=vfp", "-mfloat-abi=hard", "-marm",
                "-mcpu=arm1176jzf-s", "-mtune=arm1176jzf-s");
      end case;
   end Builder;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-O2", "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections");
   end Compiler;

   for Library_Kind use "static";
   for Library_Name use "gnat-4.6";
   for Library_Dir use "rts/boards/" & Arch & "/adalib";
end gnat;

Now compile with the following command:

gnatmake -XBoard=pc -Pgnat.gpr

Inside rts/boards/i386/adainclude/ you should have the RTS sources symbolically linked along with the custom last_chance_hander and system files. Inside rts/boards/i386/adalib/ you should have the libgnat-4.6.a and also *.ali matching the source which are required by GNAT.



.global startup                         # making entry point visible to linker

# setting up the Multiboot header - see GRUB docs for details
.set ALIGN,    1<<0                     # align loaded modules on page boundaries
.set MEMINFO,  1<<1                     # provide memory map
.set FLAGS,    ALIGN | MEMINFO          # this is the Multiboot 'flag' field
.set MAGIC,    0x1BADB002               # 'magic number' lets bootloader find the header
.set CHECKSUM, -(MAGIC + FLAGS)         # checksum required

.align 4
.long MAGIC
.long FLAGS

# reserve initial kernel stack space
.set STACKSIZE, 0x4000                  # that is, 16k.
# On my binutils the following line didn't work as the .lcomm instruction takes 2 parameters.
#.lcomm stack, STACKSIZE, 32             # reserve 16k stack on a doubleword boundary
.lcomm stack, STACKSIZE                 # reserve 16k stack
.comm  mbd, 4                           # we will use this in kmain
.comm  magic, 4                         # we will use this in kmain

    movl  $(stack + STACKSIZE), %esp    # set up the stack
    movl  %eax, magic                   # Multiboot magic number
    movl  %ebx, mbd                     # Multiboot data structure

    call  main                          # call main created by gnatbind

    hlt                                 # halt machine should kernel return
    jmp   hang

--  TODO


The following 2 files give you access to the VGA console at 80x25 characters.

--  TODO


--  TODO


--  TODO


ENTRY (startup)

    . = 0x00100000;

    .text ALIGN (0x1000) :

    .rodata ALIGN (0x1000) :

    .data ALIGN (0x1000) :

    .bss :
        sbss = .;
        ebss = .;

