User:Tjmonk15/WSL Notes: Difference between revisions

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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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** byacc
** build-essential
** gcc-67 (After adding PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test)
** libgmp3-dev
** libmpfr-dev
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* [[Meaty_Skeleton]] works same as the Bare Bones (works for me in qemu, maybe others, though unconfirmed by myself)
* For cleanup purposes, []This is a good way to see all "installed" packages. Adding a "> file.txt" after it will allow you to easily reference and review the list to decide what needs to be removed. And "sudo apt-get autoremove" should be your final command (repeated until nothing shows up if necessary)
[19:52] <Kazinsal> should add something about installing a Windows-based X server like Xming
[19:52] <Kazinsal> you can then set up your bash startup scripts to export DISPLAY=0:0
[19:52] <Kazinsal> and then anything X or SDL inside WSL will be forwarded to Xming or whatever
== Step by Step ==
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# Installing and Updating software
## Updating system GCC
### Add PPA for gcc-7: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
### Update apt lists so it can find gcc-7: sudo apt-get update
### Install GCC 7: sudo apt-get install gcc-7
### Point gcc to the new version: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7
#### You can see here if you want to have multiple copies of gcc installed and be able to switch between them:
## Installing/Compiling a cross compiler
### Prereqs
#### sudo apt-get install make bison flex libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev texinfo
### Follow [[GCC_Cross-Compiler]]
## Install additional tools
### sudo apt-get install git grub-pc-bin xorriso
### Optional: sudo apt-get install nasm genisoimage
## Clean Up
### sudo apt-get autoremove
#### Repeat til nothing shows up
# Bare Bones
## See [[Bare_Bones]]
== ToDo ==
# Finish Step-by-Step
# Test Step-by-Step + clean-up
# Remove specific version numbers and add instructions to find "current" versions
# Test again
# Seperate instructions and add to appropriate Wiki Pages
## [[GCC_Cross-Compiler]]
## [[Building_GCC]]
## [[Bare_Bones]]