A summary of programming languages which can be used to implement kernels.

Caption text
Number Language OS Link
1 ADA Example Example
2 Assembly language MenuetOS https://menuetos.net
4 C NetBSD https://www.netbsd.org
5 C++
6 Crystal
7 colorForth
8 D
9 Deca
10 Forth
11 FreeBasic
12 HolyC
13 Lisaac
14 Hare Bunnix https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/bunnix
15 Haskell
16 Modula-3
17 Myrddin
18 Nim
19 Oberon 2
20 Orth Orth demo https://github.com/602p/orth
21 Pascal
22 Rust Redox https://www.redox-os.org/
23 Volt
24 Wacc
25 X
26 Zig
27 Zimbu