ROSS is a 16-bit OS.


  mov ax, 0x07C0  ; set up segments
  mov ds, ax
  mov es, ax

  mov si, welcome
  call print_string

  mov si, prompt
  call print_string

  mov di, buffer
  call get_string

  mov si, buffer
  cmp byte [si], 0  ; blank line?
  je loop           ; yes, ignore it

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_hi  ; "hi" command
  call strcmp
  jc .helloworld

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_help  ; "help" command
  call strcmp
  jc .help

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_reboot
  call strcmp
  jc .reboot

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_ver
  call strcmp
  jc .ver

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_true
  call strcmp
  jc .true

  mov si, buffer
  mov di, cmd_hang
  call strcmp
  jc .hang

  mov si,badcommand
  call print_string
  jmp loop  

  mov si, msg_helloworld
  call print_string

  jmp loop

  mov si, msg_help
  call print_string

  jmp loop

  db 0xEA
  dw 0x0000
  dw 0xFFFF
  mov si, reboot_hmm
  call print_string
  jmp $

  mov si, version
  call print_string
  jmp loop

  jmp loop

  cli ; ^_^
  jmp .hang

welcome db 'Welcome to ROSS!', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
msg_helloworld db 'Hello world!', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
badcommand db 'Bad command entered.', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
prompt db '$ ', 0
cmd_hi db 'hi', 0
cmd_help db 'help', 0
cmd_reboot db 'reboot', 0
cmd_ver db 'ver', 0
cmd_true db 'true', 0
cmd_hang db 'hang', 0
msg_help db 'Commands: hi, help, reboot, ver, true, hang', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
reboot_hmm db 'reboot: hmm...', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
version db 'ROSS 0.1', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
buffer times 64 db 0

; ================
; calls start here
; ================

  lodsb        ; grab a byte from SI

  or al, al  ; logical or AL by itself
  jz .done   ; if the result is zero, get out

  mov ah, 0x0E
  int 0x10      ; otherwise, print out the character!

  jmp print_string


  xor cl, cl

  mov ah, 0
  int 0x16   ; wait for keypress

  cmp al, 0x08    ; backspace pressed?
  je .backspace   ; yes, handle it

  cmp al, 0x0D  ; enter pressed?
  je .done      ; yes, we're done

  cmp cl, 0x3F  ; 63 chars inputted?
  je .loop      ; yes, only let in backspace and enter

  mov ah, 0x0E
  int 0x10      ; print out character

  stosb  ; put character in buffer
  inc cl
  jmp .loop

  cmp cl, 0	; beginning of string?
  je .loop	; yes, ignore the key

  dec di
  mov byte [di], 0	; delete character
  dec cl		; decrement counter as well

  mov ah, 0x0E
  mov al, 0x08
  int 10h		; backspace on the screen

  mov al, ' '
  int 10h		; blank character out

  mov al, 0x08
  int 10h		; backspace again

  jmp .loop	; go to the main loop

  mov al, 0	; null terminator

  mov ah, 0x0E
  mov al, 0x0D
  int 0x10
  mov al, 0x0A
  int 0x10		; newline


  mov al, [si]   ; grab a byte from SI
  mov bl, [di]   ; grab a byte from DI
  cmp al, bl     ; are they equal?
  jne .notequal  ; nope, we're done.

  cmp al, 0  ; are both bytes (they were equal before) null?
  je .done   ; yes, we're done.

  inc di     ; increment DI
  inc si     ; increment SI
  jmp .loop  ; loop!

  clc  ; not equal, clear the carry flag

  stc  ; equal, set the carry flag

  times 510-($-$$) db 0
  db 0x55
  db 0xAA