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[[Linker Scripts]] --have I started yet?
====The TSS====
The TSS can be used for multitasking, though it is recommended to use software multitasking for these reasons:
* Software task switching is faster(usually)
* When you port your OS to a different CPU, it won't have the TSS, so you'll have to implement software task switching anyway
* x86 64bit mode does not allow you to use the TSS for task switching.
Since we will be using the software multitasking approach, the TSS will contain a lot of junk we don't need. Here is the structure of the TSS(thank you, JamesM tutorial)
// A struct describing a Task State Segment.
typedef struct tss_entry_struct tss_entry_t;
As you can see.. a lot of wasted crap you don't need. But, intel demands it be used, so...
Basically what we want to do to setup this TSS structure is give it an initial esp0 stack and setup the segments to point to our kernel segments, and really that's it.. so we can do something like this:
/**Ok, this is going to be hackish, but we will salvage the gdt_entry_bits struct to form our TSS descriptor
So some of these names of the fields will actually be different.. maybe I'll fix this later..**/
tss_entry_t tss_entry;
void write_tss(gdt_entry_bits *g)
// Firstly, let's compute the base and limit of our entry into the GDT.
uint32_t base = (uint32_t) &tss_entry;
uint32_t limit = base + sizeof(tss_entry);
// Now, add our TSS descriptor's address to the GDT.
g->base_low=base&0xFFFFFF; //isolate bottom 24 bits
g->accessed=1; //This indicates it's a TSS and not a LDT. This is a changed meaning
g->read_write=0; //This indicates if the TSS is busy or not. 0 for not busy
g->conforming_expand_down=0; //always 0 for TSS
g->code=1; //For TSS this is 1 for 32bit usage, or 0 for 16bit.
g->always_1=0; //indicate it is a TSS
g->DPL=3; //same meaning
g->present=1; //same meaning
g->limit_high=(limit&0xF0000)>>16; //isolate top nibble
g->always_0=0; //same thing
g->big=0; //should leave zero according to manuals. No effect
g->gran=0; //so that our computed GDT limit is in bytes, not pages
g->base_high=(base&0xFF000000)>>24; //isolate top byte.
// Ensure the TSS is initially zero'd.
memset(&tss_entry, 0, sizeof(tss_entry));
tss_entry.ss0 = REPLACE_KERNEL_DATA_SEGMENT; // Set the kernel stack segment.
tss_entry.esp0 = REPLACE_KERNEL_STACK_ADDRESS; // Set the kernel stack pointer.
//note that CS is loaded from the IDT entry and should be the regular kernel code segment
Now, I know you may spend a while looking at that atrocious code..but I do believe it works. Oh, and here is our flush_tss function: (in yasm/nasm syntax)
GLOBAL tss_flush ; Allows our C code to call tss_flush().
Ok, so now we are just about ready to do some ring 3 fun stuff!!
====Entering Ring 3====
Ok, the x86 is really a tricky CPU. The only way to get to ring 3 is to fool the processor into thinking it was already in ring 3 to start with. We effectively do this using an iret. I'll give you a simple example on how to execute something as ring 3:(yasm/nasm syntax)
GLOBAL _jump_usermode ;you may need to remove this _ to work right..
EXTERN _test_user_function
mov ax,0x23
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax ;we don't need to worry about SS. it's handled by iret
mov eax,esp
push 0x23 ;user data segment with bottom 2 bits set for ring 3
push eax ;push our current stack just for the heck of it
push 0x1B; ;user data segment with bottom 2 bits set for ring 3
push _test_user_function ;may need to remove the _ for this to work right
iret ;is there really a different way to make this?
Now then, this will call the C function test_user_function and it will be operating in user mode! There is no easy way of getting back to ring 0(excluding IRQs) except for by setting up a task switching system, which you really should have in place to properly appreciate ring 3 in the first place.. But if you would like to test things out in user mode, just have the test_user_function execute a cli or other privileged instruction and you'll be pleased by a GPF. I won't give you source examples on implementing this into your task switching system, as these vary a lot by operating system.