Turbo C

Revision as of 03:04, 19 April 2011 by osdev>Love4boobies (You can also use bzip on them but we're really talking about Turbo C, not about the tools which can be used to convert MZ executables (if that's even desired).)
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Turbo C (aka TC) is Borland's 16-bit C compiler. In OS development, it is only useful for developing real mode operating systems. TC compiles to a MZ executable.

Inline Assembly

Inline assembly works fine in Turbo C, but there are a few rules:

  • You must compile from the command line!
  • You must own TASM or pass -Exxx to the compiler!

-Exxx specifies an alternate assembler to use, eg. -Enasm.exe if you wanted to assemble with NASM.