Talk:Rolling Your Own Bootloader: Difference between revisions

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There are quite a few people who actually study the source code to understand it even if they never use the product. I mean how many times have you found your self re-reading something until you finally understood it? Tracing labels and their connections. That's not possible if nothing is presented. How else are you to ever become one of the old greats, if you never study, different sources of code? Maybe someone would like to compare styles and learn new techniques from what they read. How else are you suppose to write things from scratch and learn the more difficult things if only tools are being shoved down your throat. All of these things contribute to making better coders.
At what point does the art become lost?? Idk. I like os dev but starting to hate all the biased pages with limited and narrow views. What is the point of even writing a page if you are not going to properly cover the topic? If you have the knowledge, on a knowledge giving/providing site, but are refusing to share the knowledge. That makes no sense. Is this not a site to come and learn how to code the things you want to learn to code? I almost felt the reason the author couldndidn't provide the bootloader, was because he himself has become too reliant on tools, that he was unable to provide the bootloader from lack of knowledge. Not trying to start a fight, not trying to be rude, or anything like that. Its just what I personally took from the page. I am not completely against tools either, because I use some myself, that I find help the workflow. I am merely writing my view point on this page because it has irked me every time I have read it. This was/is an introductory page, is this really the tone, we want to set for new visitors when they read from the beginning?
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