System Management BIOS: Difference between revisions

changed inane type names to fixed width integer types
[unchecked revision][unchecked revision]
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(changed inane type names to fixed width integer types)
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struct SMBIOSEntryPoint {
charint8_t EntryPointString[4]; //This is _SM_
ucharuint8_t Checksum; //This value summed with all the values of the table, should be 0 (overflow)
ucharuint8_t Length; //Length of the Entry Point Table. Since version 2.1 of SMBIOS, this is 0x1F
ucharuint8_t MajorVersion; //Major Version of SMBIOS
ucharuint8_t MinorVersion; //Minor Version of SMBIOS
ushortuint16_t MaxStructureSize; //Maximum size of a SMBIOS Structure (we will se later)
ucharuint8_t EntryPointRevision; //...
charint8_t FormattedArea[5]; //...
charint8_t EntryPointString2[5]; //This is _DMI_
ucharuint8_t Checksum2; //Checksum for values from EntryPointString2 to the end of table
ushortuint16_t TableLength; //Length of the Table containing all the structures
uintuint8_t TableAddress; //Address of the Table
ushortuint16_t NumberOfStructures; //Number of structures in the table
ucharuint8_t BCDRevision; //Unused
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struct SMBIOSHeader {
ucharuint8_t Type;
ucharuint8_t Length;
ushortuint16_t Handle;
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