
Revision as of 21:12, 16 January 2018 by osdev>Theinternetftw (Remove the bit about it being an old copy (that was a mistake caused by Microsoft not updating their READMEs on the FTP), remove the old link completely.)
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You can get the official Plug-and-Play documentation from an archive of the Microsoft FTP site (The original has been down since late 2015):

These documents are self-extracting MS-Word files describing the industry (MS) specifications for PNP on BIOS, SCSI, Peripherals, etc...

You can combine that with the links on this page from Microsoft circa 2003:

If there are any files on that page not preserved, you can often just google for them. Same for finding newer versions of the files than the frozen-in-time FTP mirror above.

Craig Hart has a good page on PNP programming at (archive of

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