PSA Mapping

(Redirected from PSA)

The PSA contains relevant information for the CPU to function.

Name Real Address Usage
FLCESICODE 0x8A Service Call Interrupt code
FLCENPSW 0x58 External New PSW
FLCEOPSW 0x18 External Old PSW
FLCSNPSW 0x60 Service New PSW
FLCSOPSW 0x20 Service Old PSW
FLCMNPSW 0x70 Machine Check New PSW
FLCPNPSW 0x68 Program Check New PSW
FLCPOPSW 0x28 Program Check Old PSW
FLCIOA 0xB8 Booting device SCHID
FLCGRSAV 0x180 General Register Save Area. Used by the kernel to save problem-state space registers.
FLCCRSAV 0x1C0 Control Register Save Area. Used by the kernel to save kernel-space registers.

See also

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