Inline Assembly: Difference between revisions

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(Merging some useful examples from in there and cleaning up)
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If you are using a [[GCC]] toolchain, using '''Inline Assembly''' might be a viable option for you. The idea is to embed assembler instructions in your C/C++ code, using the asm keyword.
Sometimes, even though C/C++ is your language of choice, you '''need''' to use some asm code in your operating system. Be it because of extreme optimization needs or because the code you're implementing is highly hardware-specific (like, say, outputting data through a port), the result is the same : there's no way around it. You must use assembly.
One of the options you have is writing an asm function and calling it, however there can be times when even the "call" overhead is too much for you. In that case, what you need is inline assembly, which means inserting arbitrary assembly snippets in the middle of your code, using the asm() "function". The way this function works is compiler-specific, and this article describes the way it works in GCC since it is by far the most used compiler in the OS world.
This is the prototype for calling asm() in your C/C++ code:
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Assembler template is basically GAS-compatible code, except that register names now start with %% instead of %. This means that the following code...
asm ("addlmovl %1%eax, %0" : "=g"(x) : "g%ebx"(y));
// same as "x+=y"
...will move eax's content into ebx. Now, you may wonder why this %% comes in. This is where an interesting feature of inline assembly comes in : you can make use of some of your C variables in your assembly code. And since, in order to make implementation of this mechanism simpler, GCC names these variables %0, %1, and so on, starting from the first variable mentioned in the input/output operand sections, you're required to use this %% syntax in order to help GCC making a separation between registers and parameters...
How exactly operands work will be explained in more details in later sections. For now, sufficient is to say that if you write something like that...
==Assembler Template==
int a=10, b;
asm ("movl %1, %%eax;
movl %%eax, %0;"
:"=r"(b) /* output */
:"r"(a) /* input */
:"%eax" /* clobbered register */
You've managed to copy the value of "a" in "b" using assembly code, effectively using some C variables in your assembly code. Congratulations !
The last "clobbered register" section is used in order to tell GCC that your code is using some of the processor's registers, and that it should move any active data from the running program out of this register before executing the asm snippet. In the example above, we move b to eax in the first instruction, effectively erasing its content, so we need to ask GCC to clear this register from unsaved data before operation.
==Assembler Template==
The Assembler Template defines the assembler instructions to inline. The default is to use AT&T syntax here. If you want to use Intel syntax, <tt>-masm=intel</tt> should be specified as a command-line option.
As an example, to halt the CPU, you just have to use the following command :
asm( "hlt" ); /* halts the CPU */
asm( "hlt" );
==Output Operands==
The Output Operands section is used in order to tell the compiler / assembler wherehow it should handle C variables used to putstore thesome output offrom the assemblerASM instructionscode. The Output Operands are a list of pairs, each operand consisting of a string literal, known as "constraint", stating whichwhere registerthe toC variable should be mapped (registers are generally used for optimal mapperformance), and a C variable to map to (in braces).
In the string literalconstraint, 'a' refers to EAX, 'b' to EBX, 'c' to ECX, 'd' to EDX, 'S' to ESI, and 'D' to EDI (read the GCC manual for a full list), assuming that you are coding for the IA32 architecture. An equation sign signalsindicates that thisyour isassembly ancode does not care about the initial value of the mapped variable (which allows some optimization). With all that in mind, it's now pretty clear that the following code sets EAX output= operand0.
int EAX;
asm( "movl $0, %%eax0" : "=a" (EAX) ); /* pathetic way of EAX = 0; */
: "=a" (EAX)
Instead of explicitly naming the register to be used, you can leave that decision to the compiler by using r in the string literal. The compiler then enumerates the operands, starting with %0:
Notice that the compiler enumerates the operand starting with %0, and that you don't have to add a register to the clobbered register list if it's used to store an output operand. GCC is smart enough to figure out what to do all by itself.
int current_task;
asm( "ltr %0" : "=r" (current_task) );
The usage of %0, %1 etc. to enumerate the operands also explains why you had to write %%eax in the movl-example above: If you want to have one literal % in the ASM code, you have to escape it as %%.
Starting with GCC 3.1, you can use more readable labels instead of the error-prone enumeration:
int current_task;
asm( "ltr %[output]" : [output] "=r" (current_task) );
asm( "ltr %0" : [output] "=r" (current_task) );
These labels are in a namespace of their own, and will not collide with any C identifiers. The same can be done for input operands, too.
==Input Operands==
TheWhile the Output Operands are generally used for... well... output, the Input Operands allowallows to parameterizeparametrize the ASM code; i.e., passing read-only parameters from C code to ASM block. Again, string literals are used to specify the details.
If you want to move some value to EAX, you can do it the following way (even though it would certainly be pretty useless to do so instead of directly mapping the value to EAX)
The Input Operands allow to parameterize the ASM code; i.e., passing parameters from C code to ASM block. Again, string literals are used to specify the details.
int randomness = 4;
// quite useless since you don't know the value of EDI, ECX and AL ...
asm( "cld;movl rep;%0, stosb%%eax" );
: "b" (randomness)
// correct, but pathetic
: %%eax
asm( "movl %0, %%edi; movl %1, %%ecx; movb %2, %%al; cld; rep; stosb"
: : "g"(dest),"g"(amount),"g"(value));
// more compact and still correct. GCC issues any MOVs required.
asm( "cld; rep; stosb" : : "D" (dest), "c" (amount), "a" (value) );
Note that GCC will always assume that input operands are read-only (unchanged),. whichThe correct thing to do when input operands are written to is obviouslyto falselist inthem as outputs, but without using the aboveequation examplesign because this time their value matters. Here is a simple example:
The correct thing to do when input operands are written to is to list them as dummy outputs (instead of trying to list them as clobbers).
Here is a simple example:
asm("mov %%eax,%%ebx": : "a" (amount));//useless but it gets the idea
Eax will contain "amount" and be moved into ebx.
==Clobbered Registers List==
It is important to remember one thing: ''The C/C++ compiler knows nothing about Assembler''. For the compiler, the asm statement is opaque, and if you did not specify any output, it might even come to the conclusion that it's a No-OP and optimize it away. (You can avoid this by stating asm volatile, which also allows you to make sure that your asm code won't be moved somewhere else by the optimizer.)
Since the compiler uses CPU registers for internal optimization of your C/C++ variables, and doesn't know about ASM opcodes, you have to warn it about any registers that might get clobbered as a side effect, so the compiler can save their contents before making your ASM call.
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==Wildcards: How you can let the compiler choose==
You don't need to tell the compiler which specific register it should use in each operation, and in general, except you have good reasons to prefer one register specifically, you should better let the compiler decide for you.
Forcing to use EAX over any other register, for instance, may force the compiler to issue code that will save what was previously in eax in some other register or may introduce unwanted dependencies between operations (pipeline optimization broken)
However, theThe 'wildcards' canallows putyou restrictionto ongive themore codefreedom theto compilerGCC willand generatewhen outit ofcomes yourto ASMinput/output templatemapping:
{| {{wikitable}}
| <code>"movl $0, %0" : "='''g'''" (x)</code>
| x can be whatever the compiler prefers: a register, a memory reference. It could even be a literal constant in another context.
| <code>"movl %0, %%es" : "='''r'''" (x)</code>
| you want x to go through a register (this is an x86-specific constraint). If x wasn't optimized as a register, the compiler will then move it to the place it should be. This means that <code>"movl %0, %%es" : : "r" (0x38)</code> is enough to load a segment register.
| <code>"outl %0, %1" : : "a" (0xFE), "'''N'''" (0x21)</code>
| tells the value '0x21' can be used as a constant in the out or in operation if ranging from 0 to 255
There are of course more machine-dependent constraints you can put on the operand selection, which are listed in the info page of GCC.
==Using C99==
When using <tt>gcc -std=c99</tt> the <tt>asm</tt> keyword might now work directly. Instead use <tt>__asm__</tt>.
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