hdiutil is the program supplied by Apple to work with disk images
Support edit
hdiutil supports the following filesystem types:
- HFS+
Creating Images edit
Create a DOS disk image:
hdiutil create -fs ms-dos -sectors 2880 floppy
(2880 sectors = 1.44mb floppy disk image)
If the image already exists, you must pass the -ov option or hdiutil will fail.
To create no apple partition image, use:
-layout NONE
To create an image with an apple partition layout, use:
-layout SPUD
I don't know if images created here are straight binary images that can be plugged into Bochs/VMWare etc...
- Example of creating and mounting an image:*
hdiutil create -fs MS-DOS -sectors 2880 floppy
This will output floppy.dmg. Note that the MS-DOS argument is case sensitive.
hdid -nomount ./floppy.dmg
This will output the name of the device file created.
mkdir /Volumes/mnt mount -t msdos /dev/disk2 /Volumes/mnt
Use the name of the device file output in the previous step.
If you chose to not place your executable on a disk directly, you can use hdiutil burn ./floppy.dmg. If you try to use an ordinary burn, the boot image will be corrupt.