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Software context switching can be used on all CPUs, and can be used to save and reload only the state that needs to be changed. The basic idea is to provide a function that saves the current [[Stack|stack pointer]] (ESP) and reloads a new stack pointer (SS:ESP). When the function is called EIP would be stored on the old stack and a new EIP would be popped off the new stack when the function returns. Of course the operating system usually needs to change much more than just the stack and EIP.
Note how preemption occurs in an interrupt handler. If your OS saves register state for interrupt handlers, then if you stick a setjmp / longjmp in your scheduler, you can jump into the interrupt handler of the IRQ that preempted the process you're switching to. Then just return.
Eflags, the general registers and any data segment registers should also be pushed on the old stack and popped off the new stack. If the paging structures need to be changed, CR3 will also need to be reloaded.
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When the CPU changes to a higher privilege level (CPL 0 being the highest) it will load new values for SS and ESP from the [[Task State Segment]] (TSS). '''If the operating system uses multiple privilege levels it must create and load a TSS'''. An interrupt generated while the processor is in ring 3 will switch the stack to the resulting permission level stack entry in the TSS. During a software context switch the values for SS0:ESP0 (and possibly SS1:ESP1 or SS2:ESP2) will need to be set in the TSS. If the processor is operating in [[Long Mode]], the stack selectors are no longer present and the RSP0-2 fields are used to provide the destination stack address.
If a context switch also entails a change in IO port permissions, a different TSS may be loaded for each [[wikipedia:Process_(computing)|Process]]. When running virtual 8086 tasks, the IO permission map in the TSS isn't checked to provide I/O port protection. IO protection can be implemented by setting the IO Permission Level to 0. This will generate a [[Exceptions#General_Protection_Fault|General Protection Fault]] when a process in ring 3 attempts to write to or read from an IO port. The GP fault handler can then check permissions and carry out the port IO on behalf of the user-mode code.
===Other Possibilities===
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The hardware context switching mechanism (called Hardware Task Switching in the CPU manuals) can be used to change all of the CPU's state except for the FPU/MMX and SSE state. To use the hardware mechanism you need to tell the CPU where to save the existing CPU state, and where to load the new CPU state. The CPU state is always stored in a special data structure called a TSS (Task State Segment).
To trigger a context switch and tell the CPU where to load it'sits new state from, the far version of CALL and JMP instructions are used. The offset given is ignored, and the segment is used to refer to a "TSS Descriptor" in the GDT. The TSS descriptor is used to specify the base address and limit of the TSS to be used to load the new CPU state from.
The CPU has a register called the "TR" (or Task Register) which tells which TSS will receive the old CPU state. When the TR register is loaded with an "LDTRLTR" instruction the CPU looks at the GDT entry (specified with LDTRLTR) and loads the visible part of TR with the GDT entry, and the hidden part with the base and limit of the GDT entry. When the CPU state is saved the hidden part of TR is used.
===A step further with Hardware Switches ...===
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===Performance Considerations===
Because the hardware mechanism saves almost all of the CPU state it can be slower than is necessary. For example, when the CPU loads new segment registers it does all of the access and permission checks that are involved. As most modern operating systems don't use segmentation, loading the segment registers during context switches may be not be required, so for performance reasons these operating systems tend not to use the hardware context switching mechanism. Due to it not being used as much CPU manufacturers don't optimize CPUs for this method anymore (AFAIK). In addition the new 64 bit CPU's do not support hardware context switches when in 64 bit/long mode.
However, there was an interesting post on OSNews by Aage in July 2004, quantifying the amount of unavoidable hardware overhead involved in a context switch. It appears that the hardware overhead in a context switch on a modern P4 processor dwarfs the overhead involved in saving/loading registers (995ns of HW overhead vs 67ns to save/load registers). From this, it would appear that any performance gains from switching to software task switching would be minimal, amounting to no more than a few percentage points. However, Brendan points out in [ this post] that this is ''horrendously wrong'' and explains why.
There is actually quite little you can do in software to improve the overhead of context switches. Most of the overhead is hardware related. Sure you can tweak the code that stores/restores registers, performs scheduling, and stuff, but in the grand scheme of things hardware overhead dominates (I'll substantiate that below). Using the x86 as an example architecture:
Assuming the context switch is initiated by an interrupt, the overhead of switching from user-level to kernel-level on a (2.8 GHz) P4 is 1348 cycles, on a (200 MHz) P2 227 cycles. Why the big cycle difference? It seems like the P4 flushes its micro-op cache as part of handling an interrupt (go to for some details on the micro-op cache). Counting actual time, the P4 takes 481 ns and the P2 1335 ns.
The return from kernel-level to user-level will cost you 923 cycles (330 ns) on a P4, 180 cycles (900 ns) on a P2.
The overhead of storing / restoring registers (not counting any TLB overhead / excluding cost of FPU register store / restore) is 188 cycles on the P4 (67 ns), 79 cycles on the P2 (395 ns).
A context switch also includes the overhead of switching address spaces (if we're switching between processes, not threads). The minimal cost of switching between two address spaces (counting a minimal TLB reload of 1 code page, 1 data page, and 1 stack page) is 516 cycles on a P4 (184 ns) and 177 cycles on a P3 (885 ns).
So the equation is (for a P4):
<nowiki>811 ns (HW) + 184 ns (HW: address space switch) + 67 ns (register store / restore) + ?? (scheduling overhead) = cost of context switch.</nowiki>
That'll leave you with 995 ns of HW overhead. You can spend as much as 2598 cycles in the scheduler before SW overhead dominates.
So, measured in actual time the cost of context switches is declining (P2: 3120 ns vs. P4: 995 ns - 3:1). But looking at CPU clock speed differences (P2: 200 MHz vs P4: 2800 MHz - 1:14), one can only conclude that the cost of context switches is rising.
And yes, I used some home-grown software to perform these measurements.
|Aage, ''OSNews''}}
[[Category:Processes and Threads]]
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