CPU Registers x86: Difference between revisions

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== General Purpose Registers ==
CPU Registers are small amounts of memory located in the processor. They provide a fast way to process data.
==x86 registers==
====General purpose registers====
{| {{wikitable}}
! 32 64-bit
! 16 32-bit
! 8 high 16-bit
! 8 lowhigh bitbits
! 8 low bits
! description
! Description
| eaxRAX
| axEAX
| ahAX
| alAH
| AL
| accumulator
| Accumulator
| ebxRBX
| bxEBX
| bhBX
| blBH
| baseBL
| Base
| ecxRCX
| cxECX
| chCX
| clCH
| counterCL
| Counter
| edx
| dx
| dh
| dl
| data
====Segment registers====
{| {{wikitable}}
! 16 bit
! description
| DX
| DH
| DL
| Data
| csRSI
| code segment
| SI
| N/A
| Source
| dsRDI
| data segment
| DI
| N/A
| Destination
| es, fs, gs
| extra segment
| SP
| N/A
| Stack Pointer
| ssRBP
| stack segment
| BP
| N/A
| Stack Base Pointer
== Pointer Registers ==
====Index registers====
{| {{wikitable}}
! 32 64-bit
! 16 32-bit
! 16-bit
! description
! Description
| esiRIP
| siEIP
| IP
| source index
| Instruction Pointer
| edi
| di
| destination index
== Segment Registers ==
====Pointer registers====
{| {{wikitable}}
! 32 16-bit
! Description
! 16 bit
! description
| CS
| Code Segment
| DS
| Data Segment
| ES
| Extra Segment
| ebpSS
| Stack Segment
| bp
| base pointer
| espFS
| General Purpose F Segment
| sp
| stack pointer
| eipGS
| General Purpose G Segment
| ip
| index pointer
==== EFLAGS register==Register ==
{| {{wikitable}}
! bitBit
! labelLabel
! Description
! description
| 0
| cfCF
| carryCarry flag
| 2
| pfPF
| parityParity flag
| 4
| afAF
| auxiliaryAuxiliary flag
| 6
| zfZF
| zeroZero flag
| 7
| sfSF
| signSign flag
| 8
| tfTF
| trapTrap flag
| 9
| ifIF
| interruptInterrupt enable flag
| 10
| dfDF
| directionDirection flag
| 11
| ofOF
| overflowOverflow flag
| 12-13
| ioplIOPL
| iI/oO priviledgeprivilege level
| 14
| ntNT
| nestedNested task flag
| 16
| rfRF
| resumeResume flag
| 17
| vmVM
| virtualVirtual 8086 mode flag
| 18
| acAC
| alignmentAlignment check flag
| 19
| vifVIF
| virtualVirtual interrupt flag
| 20
| vipVIP
| virtualVirtual interrupt pending
| 21
| idID
| Able to use CPUID instruction
| id flag
Unlisted bits are reserved.
====Control registers====
==Control Registers==
{| {{wikitable}}
! bitBit
! labelLabel
! Description
! description
| 0
| pePE
| Protected Mode Enable
| protected mode enable
| 1
| mpMP
| monitorMonitor co-processor
| 2
| emEM
| x87 FPU Emulation
| emulation
| 3
| tsTS
| taskTask switched
| 4
| etET
| extensionExtension type
| 5
| neNE
| numericNumeric error
| 16
| wpWP
| writeWrite protect
| 18
| amAM
| alignmentAlignment mask
| 29
| nwNW
| notNot-write through
| 30
| cdCD
| cacheCache disable
| 31
| pgPG
| pagingPaging
NOTE: This register is the only control register that can be written and read via 2 ways unlike the other that can be accessed only via the MOV instruction
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
; First way:
; Write:
mov cr0, reg
; Read:
mov reg, cr0
; ----------------------
; Second way:
; Write:
lmsw reg
; Read:
smsw reg
Reserved, the CPU will throw a #UD exception when trying to access it.
{| {{wikitable}}
! bitBit
! labelLabel
! Description
! description
| 0-31 (63)
| pflaPFLA
| Page Fault Linear Address
| page fault linear address
{| {{wikitable}}
CR3 contains the '''Physical''' Base Address of the Page Directory. In [[PAE]] mode, it is the base of the PDPT, and in [[Long Mode]] the PML4T.
Note that this must be page aligned.
! Bit
! Label
! Description
! [[PAE]]
! [[Long Mode]]
| 3
| Page-level Write-Through
| (Not used)
| (Not used if bit 17 of CR4 is 1)
| 4
| Page-level Cache Disable
| (Not used)
| (Not used if bit 17 of CR4 is 1)
| 12-31 (63)
| Page Directory Base Register
| Base of PDPT
| Base of PML4T/PML5T
Bits 0-11 of the physical base address are assumed to be 0. Bits 3 and 4 of CR3 are only used when accessing a PDE in 32-bit paging without PAE.
{| {{wikitable}}
! bitBit
! labelLabel
! Description
! description
| 0
| vmeVME
| virtualVirtual 8086 modeMode extensionsExtensions
| 1
| pviPVI
| protected Protected-mode virtualVirtual interruptsInterrupts
| 2
| tsdTSD
| Time Stamp Disable
| time stamp disable
| 3
| deDE
| Debugging Extensions
| debugging extensions
| 4
| psePSE
| Page Size Extension
| page size extension
| 5
| paePAE
| Physical Address Extension
| physical address extension
| 6
| mceMCE
| Machine Check Exception
| machine check exception
| 7
| pgePGE
| Page Global Enabled
| page global enable
| 8
| pcePCE
| Performance-Monitoring Counter enable
| performance monitoring counter enable
| 9
| osfxsrOSFXSR
| osOperating system support for fxsaveFXSAVE and fxrstorFXRSTOR instructions
| 10
| osxmmexcpt
| Operating System Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions
| os support for unmasked simd floating point exceptions
| 11
| User-Mode Instruction Prevention (if set, #GP on SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, SMSW, and STR instructions when CPL > 0)
| 13
| vmxeVMXE
| Virtual Machine Extensions Enable
| virtual machine extensions enable
| 14
| smxeSMXE
| Safer Mode Extensions Enable
| safer mode extensions enable
| 16
| Enables the instructions RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE, WRFSBASE, and WRGSBASE
| 17
| pcidePCIDE
| pcidPCID enableEnable
| 18
| osxsaveOSXSAVE
| xsaveXSAVE and processorProcessor extendedExtended statesStates enableEnable
| 20
| smepSMEP
| [[Supervisor Memory Protection|Supervisor Mode Execution Protection]] Enable
| supervisor mode executions protection enable
| 21
| smapSMAP
| [[Supervisor Memory Protection|Supervisor Mode Access Prevention]] Enable
| supervisor mode access protection enable
| 22
| Protection Key Enable
| 23
| Control-flow Enforcement Technology
| 24
| Enable Protection Keys for Supervisor-Mode Pages
====DebugCR5 registers- CR7====
Reserved, same case as CR1.
DR0 - DR3 are '''linear''' addresses of up to 4 breakpoints.
Dr7 controls breakpoint conditions - TODO
====Test registersCR8====
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bit
! Label
! Description
| 0-3
| Task Priority Level
==Extended Control Registers==
====Pmode segmentation registersXCR0====
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bit
! Label
! Description
| 0
| X87
| x87 FPU/MMX support (must be 1)
| 1
| XSAVE support for MXCSR and XMM registers
| 2
| AVX enabled and XSAVE support for upper halves of YMM registers
| 3
| MPX enabled and XSAVE support for BND0-BND3 registers
| 4
| MPX enabled and XSAVE support for BNDCFGU and BNDSTATUS registers
| 5
| opmask
| AVX-512 enabled and XSAVE support for opmask registers k0-k7
| 6
| ZMM_Hi256
| AVX-512 enabled and XSAVE support for upper halves of lower ZMM registers
| 7
| Hi16_ZMM
| AVX-512 enabled and XSAVE support for upper ZMM registers
| 9
| XSAVE support for PKRU register
XCR0 can only be accessed if bit 18 of CR4 is set to 1. XGETBV and XSETBV instructions are used to access XCR0.
==Debug Registers==
====DR0 - DR3====
Contain linear addresses of up to 4 breakpoints. If paging is enabled, they are translated to physical addresses.
It permits the debugger to determine which debug conditions have occurred.<br>
Bits 0 through 3 indicates, when set, that it's associated breakpoint condition was met when a debug exception was generated.<br>
Bit 13 indicates that the next instruction in the instruction stream accesses one of the debug registers.<br>
Bit 14 indicates (when set) that the debug exception was triggered by the single-step execution mode (enabled with TF bit in EFLAGS).<br>
Bit 15 indicates (when set) that the debug instruction resulted from a task switch where T flag in the TSS of target task was set.<br>
Bit 16 indicates (when clear) that the debug exception or breakpoint exception occured inside an RTM region.<br>
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bit
| gdtr
! Description
| global descriptor table register
| idtr0
| Local DR0 breakpoint
| interrupt descriptor table register
| ldtr1
| Global DR0 breakpoint
| local descriptor table register
| tr2
| Local DR1 breakpoint
| task register
| 3
| Global DR1 breakpoint
| 4
| Local DR2 breakpoint
| 5
| Global DR2 breakpoint
| 6
| Local DR3 breakpoint
| 7
| Global DR3 breakpoint
| 16-17
| Conditions for DR0
| 18-19
| Size of DR0 breakpoint
| 20-21
| Conditions for DR1
| 22-23
| Size of DR1 breakpoint
| 24-25
| Conditions for DR2
| 26-27
| Size of DR2 breakpoint
| 28-29
| Conditions for DR3
| 30-31
| Size of DR3 breakpoint
A local breakpoint bit deactivates on hardware task switches, while a global does not.<br>
Condition 00b means execution break, 01b means a write watchpoint, and 11b means an R/W watchpoint. 10b is reserved for I/O R/W (unsupported).
==Test Registers==
{| {{wikitable}}
! Name
! Description
| TR3 - TR5
| Undocumented
| TR6
| Test command register
| TR7
| Test data register
==Protected Mode Registers==
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bits
! Label
! Description
| 0-15
| Limit
| (Size of [[GDT]]) - 1
| 16-47
| Base
| Starting address of [[GDT]]
Stores the segment selector of the [[GDT]].
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bits
! Label
! Description
| 0-15
| Limit
| (Size of [[LDT]]) - 1
| 16-47
| Base
| Starting address of [[LDT]]
Stores the segment selector of the [[LDT]].
{| {{wikitable}}
! Bits
! Label
! Description
| 0-15
| Limit
| (Size of [[IDT]]) - 1
| 16-47
| Base
| Starting address of [[IDT]]
Stores the segment selector of the [[IDT]].
[[Category:X86 CPU]]