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However, it is quite common that newcomers make certain mistakes, or have common misconceptions about what is involved in the topic. That is not bad - many others made these beginner mistakes before, and many will do so in the future. This page is about making sure you know what you're about, before digging into the provided information.
== What this is NOT ==
This may look like a set of tutorials to copy & paste, plus a forum to ask your questions whenever you get stuck. '''This is not so.''' We fully expect you to carry your own weight, to be an experienced programmer of user-space applications before you set out to write your own OS. We also expect you to have read about OS design, and that you have studied relevant documentation of your platform of choice. Do '''not''' expect this Wiki, or the forum, to be some kind of ''complete guide to my own OS'', let alone a guide to programming skills in general.
What you find here is documentation left behind by those who came before you, who found out about these things by reading technical documentation, available source code, and forum postings as well as by trial & error programming. Some of it was written so those people could look it up again later, some of it so that we could point to a Wiki article instead of explaining a subject all over ''again''.
What you find here are little hints and roadsigns that might help you on your path. ''It's not a complete map to Oz.'' Nor should it be.
If you don't already have a good idea what a [[Stack | stack]] is, or how to use a [[GDB | debugger]], we won't go out of our way to explain it to you. Visit those two sites; you will see that they mostly deal with OS specifics, not a general introduction to the topic. That is not a flaw, that's by design. If you are looking for general programming enlightenment, you should rather visit general programming sites like [ StackOverflow] and become a developer first before you aspire to become an '''OS''' developer.
This Wiki will ''not'' be expanded into a beginner's handbook, because that is not its purpose. It is for answering the ''advanced'' questions that arise when people feel they're ready for the plunge into kernel space programming.
== Scope ==